§ 31-3-16 - General assembly plates.

SECTION 31-3-16

   § 31-3-16  General assembly plates. –(a) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles is directed to makeavailable to each duly elected member of the senate and of the house ofrepresentatives of the general assembly of the state of Rhode Island andProvidence Plantations, so long as the member is serving during the term forwhich he or she has been elected as a member of the general assembly and nolonger, two (2) special motor vehicle registration plates carrying on the firstplate as a courtesy the word "senate" in the case of the senate, and the word"house" in the case of the house of representatives. On the second set ofplates, in addition to the wording above, the letter "a" denoting auxiliaryshall be placed on the plates. The plates are to have special identifyingnumbers corresponding to the number of the senatorial or representativedistrict from which the member was elected.

   (b) The special motor vehicle registration plates shall carrythereon the design and the seal of the state of Rhode Island and ProvidencePlantations and shall be designed, sold, and attached to the motor vehiclewithout cost to the state.

   (c) Each member of any general assembly, at the expiration ofhis or her term as member, unless reelected, may retain the special motorvehicle registration plates in his or her own keeping, provided he or she doesnot display the plates upon any motor vehicle or any other form oftransportation owned or operated by the member.

   (d) Any violation of the provisions of subsection (c) of thissection shall be deemed a civil violation, and any person displaying a specialmotor vehicle registration plate upon any vehicle shall, upon conviction, befined ten dollars ($10.00) for each offense.

   (e) The administrator of the division of motor vehicles shallreserve for the future use of each member of the general assembly the privateregistration plates which he or she turns into the division of motor vehiclesin return for legislator's plates. The administrator of the division of motorvehicles shall annually, during the month of January, submit a written noticeto each member of the general assembly notifying him or her of the privateregistration plates which are being reserved for his or her future use. Thenotice shall indicate the registration plate designation and the legislator forwhich it is being reserved.

   (f) In a state of emergency, any member of the generalassembly driving a vehicle bearing a special motor vehicle registration plateshall be authorized and empowered to travel upon the highways of the statenotwithstanding any driving ban imposed by any state or municipal authority.