§ 31-44-4.1 - Recording of sale or transfer documents – Penalties.

SECTION 31-44-4.1

   § 31-44-4.1  Recording of sale or transferdocuments – Penalties. – Every deed, instrument, or writing by which an interest in any mobile ormanufactured home is granted, assigned, transferred, or otherwise conveyed to,or vested in, a purchaser or purchasers, or any other person or persons, shallbe filed with the recorder of deeds of the city or town in within which themobile home or manufactured home is located, within ten (10) days afterexecution of the deed instrument, or writing. The fee for the filing shall bein accordance with § 34-13-7. The city or town shall assess a fine to bedetermined by each city or town for failure to comply with the provisions ofthis section.