§ 31-5-22 - Application for license – Fee – Expiration.

SECTION 31-5-22

   § 31-5-22  Application for license –Fee – Expiration. – (a) Any person desiring to be licensed as a manufacturer, factoryrepresentative, or distributor shall apply to the department of revenue upon aform containing any information that the department shall require. Thedepartment may require with the application or, otherwise, information relatingto the applicant's solvency, his or her financial standing, or other pertinentmatter commensurate with the safeguarding of the public interest, all of whichmay be considered by the department in determining the fitness of the applicantto engage in the business for which the applicant desires the license.

   (b) Each application of a factory representative shall beaccompanied by a fee of forty dollars ($40.00). Each application of amanufacturer or distributor shall be accompanied by a fee of two hundreddollars ($200).

   (c) All licenses shall be granted or refused within thirty(30) days after the application is filed and shall expire, unless revoked orsuspended before that time, on December 31st of the calendar year for whichthey are granted.