§ 31-51-2 - Live digital video school bus violation detection monitoring systems.

SECTION 31-51-2

   § 31-51-2  Live digital video school busviolation detection monitoring systems. – (a) All school departments of this state are hereby authorized to install andoperate live digital video school bus violation detection monitoring systems.Such systems shall at a minimum, be systems which monitor and detect school bustraffic violations. For purposes of this chapter a live digital video schoolbus violation detection monitoring system means a system with one or morecamera sensors and computers which produce live digital and recorded video ofmotor vehicles being operated in violation of school bus traffic laws. Allsystems installed for used under this chapter must, at a minimum, produce alive visual image viewable remotely, a recorded image of the license plate, andbe able to record the time, date, and location of the vehicle, and a signedaffidavit by a person who witnessed the violation via live video.

   (b) The school departments may enter into an agreement with aprivate corporation or other entity to provide live digital video school busviolation detection monitoring systems and to maintain and operate suchsystems. Compensation to the private entity that provides such a system andrelated support service shall not be based on the revenue generated by thesystem. Compensation to the vendor of the system shall be based on the expenseof the services and the equipment provided by the vendor of the system. Theschool department may enter into an agreement for purposes of reimbursement ofexpenses to the vendor for the installation, operation and maintenance of thelive digital video school bus detection and monitoring systems within itsmunicipality. Notwithstanding the terms and conditions contained in any suchagreement, reimbursement shall be made from ticket revenue proceeds from paidviolations, as allocated pursuant to § 31-51-5.