§ 34-21-9 - Form of writ of return and restoration.

SECTION 34-21-9

   § 34-21-9  Form of writ of return andrestoration. – The writ of return and restoration shall be substantially as follows:



   To the sheriffs of our several counties, or

   (SEAL)         to their deputies,                        Greeting:

   Whereas                        of                     in the county of                  lately replevied the following goods and chattels,viz.: (here enumerate and particularly describe them) which                              of                  in our county of                  had unlawfully taken (detained, or attached, as thecase may be) as               suggested, and caused                  to be summoned to appear before our superior courtto be held at               to answer unto                  for such unlawful taking (detaining, or attaching,as the case may be) on the            day of            . Andwhereas, to our said court at its session held as aforesaid, upon a fullhearing of the cause of the taking (detaining, or attaching, as the case maybe) it appeared that the taking (detaining, or attaching, as the case may be)was lawful and justifiable, whereupon it was then and there by the courtconsidered that the same be returned and restored unto               irrepleviable, and that                              recover against               the sum of               dollars damages, for his or her taking the same by the process ofreplevin and his or her costs of defense taxed at               as to us appears of record, whereof execution remains to be done: wecommand you, therefore, that you forthwith return and restore the same goodsand chattels unto               and also that of the goods and chattels and real estate of               within your precinct, you cause to be levied and paid unto                  the aforesaid sums, being in the whole               with twenty-five cents (25¢) more for this writ, together withyour fees; and for want of such goods and chattels or real estate of               to be by you found within your precinct, to satisfy and pay the sumsaforesaid, we command you to take the body of                  and commit him or her to our correctionalinstitution in your precinct, therein to be kept until he or she pays the sumsaforementioned, with your fees, or until he or she is discharged by            orotherwise by order of law. Hereof fail not, and make true return of this writand your doings thereon, to our superior court on or before the            day of                  

   Witness, the seal of our superior court at

   this            day of            in theyear , Clerk.