§ 41-9.1-31 - Unlawful use of bogus chips or gaming billets, marked cards, dice, cheating devices, unlawful coins – Penalty.

SECTION 41-9.1-31

   § 41-9.1-31  Unlawful use of bogus chips orgaming billets, marked cards, dice, cheating devices, unlawful coins –Penalty. – (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to play any game and:

   (1) Knowingly to use bogus or counterfeit chips or gamingbillets, or knowingly to substitute and use in any such game cards or dice thathave been marked, loaded or tampered with; or

   (2) Knowingly to use or possess any cheating device withintent to cheat or defraud.

   (b) It shall be unlawful for any person, playing or using anyslot machine to:

   (1) Knowingly to use other than a lawful coin or legal tenderof the United States of America or to use coin not of the same denomination asthe coin intended to be used in such slot machine, except that in the playingof any slot machine or similar gaming device, it shall be lawful for any personto use gaming billets, tokens or similar objects therein which are approved bythe state lottery division; or

   (2) To use any cheating or thieving device, including, butnot limited to, tools, drills, wires, coins or tokens attached to strings orwires, or electronic or magnetic devices, to facilitate the alignment of anywinning combination or removing from any slot machine any money or othercontents thereof.

   (c) It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to possessor use while on the premises of a licensed casino, any cheating, or thievingdevice, including, but not limited to, tolls, wires, drills, coins attached tostrings or wires or electronic or magnetic devices to facilitate removing fromany slot machine any money or contents thereof, except that a duly authorizedemployee of a licensed casino may possess and use any of the foregoing only infurtherance of his or her employment in the casino.

   (d) It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to possessor use while on the premises of any licensed casino any key or device designedfor the purpose of or suitable for opening or entering any slot machine orsimilar gaming device or drop box, except that a duly authorized employee of alicensed casino, or of the state lottery division may possess and use any ofthe foregoing only in furtherance of his or her employment.

   (e) Any person who violates any of the provisions of thissection shall be imprisoned for no more than (5) five years and may be fined anamount not to exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000).