§ 44-35-7 - Publication of town and city budget summary.

SECTION 44-35-7

   § 44-35-7  Publication of town and citybudget summary. – At least ten (10) calendar days prior to the financial town meeting or, fortowns and cities without town meetings, the first hearing on the budget for thepurpose of adopting the budget, the chief elected official in each town andcity shall cause to be published a budget summary in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the town or city. The budget summary shall set out proposedexpenditures by department or function and receipts by source for the proposedbudget year, and comparisons of these with estimated expenditures and receiptsfor the current budget year.

   The published budget summary shall be in the following form:

   (CITY, TOWN) of (NAME)


   Functionor               Amounts Proposed      

   Purposeof               Actually Budget year     

   Expenditures            Budgeted for Operating      

   Current YearCapital        




     1.  Education

     2.  General Financial


     3.  Public Works

     4.  Police Protection

     5.  Fire Protection

     6.  Sewerage

     7.  Other Sanitation

     8.  Parks and


     9.  Interest on General


   10.  Principal on

   General Debt

   11.  All Other (Specify)


     1.  Local Property

     2.  Local Non-Property

     3.  Federal

     4.  State

     5.  All Other (Specify)


   Certification: This is to certify that data contained in thisreport are accurate to the best of my knowledge.

   Date17 Signature of Official