§ 45-19-4.3 - One time death benefit – Death benefits to family of deceased police officers, correctional officers, and firefighters.

SECTION 45-19-4.3

   § 45-19-4.3  One time death benefit –Death benefits to family of deceased police officers, correctional officers,and firefighters. – (a) If an active or retired police officer, capitol police officer,correctional officer, firefighter, crash rescue crew person, fire marshal, ordeputy fire marshal of any city, town, fire district, or the state of RhodeIsland or state sheriff or state deputy sheriff or a correctional officer ormember of a volunteer auxiliary fire force or volunteer crash rescue orambulance corps is killed or dies from injuries received while in theperformance of his or her duties, there shall be paid a killed-in-line-of-dutybenefit to be administered by the board of police officer's and firefighter'srelief. The benefit shall be in the sum of forty percent (40%) of the federaldeath benefits for law enforcement officers and firefighters killed in the lineof duty. The benefit shall be paid as follows:

   (1) If there is no surviving child of such officer, to thesurviving spouse or domestic partner of such officer;

   (2) If there is a surviving child or children and a survivingspouse or domestic partner, one-half (1/2) to the surviving child or childrenof such officer in equal shares and one-half (1/2) to the surviving spouse ordomestic partner;

   (3) If there is no surviving spouse or domestic partner, tothe child or children of said officer in equal shares;

   (4) If there is no surviving spouse, domestic partner, orsurviving child, to the individual designated by such officer as beneficiaryunder such officer's most recently executed life insurance policy; provided,that such individual survived such officer; or

   (5) If none of the above, to the parent or parents of suchofficer in equal shares.

   (b) Domestic partners shall certify by affidavit to the boardof police officer's and firefighter's relief that the: (1) partners are atleast eighteen (18) years of age and mentally competent to contract; (2)partners are not married to anyone; (3) partners are not related by blood to adegree which would prohibit marriage in the state of Rhode Island; (4) partnersreside together and have resided together for at least one year; (5) partnersare financially interdependent as evidenced by at least two (2) of thefollowing: (i) domestic partnership agreement or relationship contract; (ii)joint mortgage or joint ownership of primary residence; (iii) two (2) of: (A)joint ownership of motor vehicle; (B) joint checking account; (C) joint creditaccount; (D) joint lease; and/or (iv) the domestic partner has been designatedas a beneficiary for the deceased's will, retirement contract or life insurance.