§ 45-21.2-5 - Retirement on service allowance.

SECTION 45-21.2-5

   § 45-21.2-5  Retirement on serviceallowance. – Retirement of a member on a service retirement allowance shall be made by theretirement board as follows:

   (1) Any member who has attained or attains age seventy (70)shall be retired as stated in § 45-21-16 subject to the discretionscontained in that section; provided, that any member who is a member of theWoonsocket fire department who has attained or attains an age of sixty-five(65) years shall be retired. Retirement occurs on the first day of the nextsucceeding calendar month in which the member has attained the age ofsixty-five (65) years.

   (2) Any member may retire pursuant to this subdivision uponwritten application to the board stating at what time the member desires toretire; provided, that the member at the specified time for retirement hasattained an age of fifty-five (55) years and has completed at least ten (10)years of total service, and notwithstanding that the member may have separatedfrom service.

   (3) Any member may retire pursuant to this subdivision uponwritten application to the board stating at what time the member desires toretire; provided, that the member at the specified time for retirement hascompleted at least twenty-five (25) years of total service, and notwithstandingthat the member may have separated from service.

   (4) Any member may retire pursuant to this subdivision uponwritten application to the board stating at what time the member desires toretire; provided, that the member at the specified time for retirement hasattained an age of fifty (50) years and has completed at least twenty (20)years of total service, notwithstanding that the member may have separated fromservice; provided, that the service retirement allowance, as determinedaccording to the formula provided in § 45-21.2-6, is reduced one-half ofone percent ( 1/2%) for each month that the age of the member is less thanfifty-five (55) years.

   (5) Any member of the South Kingstown police department mayretire pursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the boardstating at what time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member atthe specified time for retirement has earned a service retirement allowance offifty percent (50%) of final compensation pursuant to § 45-21.2-6.1.

   (6) Any member of the Johnston police department may retirepursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the board stating atwhat time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member at thespecified time for retirement has earned a service retirement allowance offifty percent (50%) of final compensation pursuant to § 45-21.2-6.2.

   (7) Any member of the Cranston fire department hired afterJuly 1, 1995, or any member of the Cranston fire department with five (5) yearsor less of service effective July 1, 1995, may retire pursuant to thissubdivision upon written application to the board stating at what time themember desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified time forretirement has earned a service retirement allowance of fifty percent (50%) offinal compensation for at least twenty (20) years service; final compensationfor Cranston fire department members is based on the compensation components ofweekly salary, longevity and holidays with longevity of the members highestyear of earnings and members shall receive a three percent (3%) escalation oftheir pension payment compounded each year on January 1st following the year ofretirement and continuing on an annual basis on that date; further, any illnessor injury not covered in title 45 of the general laws relating to thepresumption of disability is governed by the collective bargaining agreementbetween the City of Cranston and members of the Cranston fire department.

   (8) Any member of the Cranston police department hired afterJuly 1, 1995, or any member of the Cranston police department with five (5)years or less of service effective July 1, 1995, may retire pursuant to thissubdivision upon written application to the board stating at what time themember desires to retire; provided, that the member at the specified time forretirement has earned a service retirement allowance of fifty percent (50%) offinal compensation for at least twenty (20) years service; final compensationfor Cranston police department members is based on the compensation componentsof weekly salary, longevity and holidays with longevity of the members highestyear of earnings and members shall receive a three percent (3%) escalation oftheir pension payment compounded each year on January 1st following the year ofretirement and continuing on an annual basis on that date; further, any illnessor injury not covered in title 45 of the general laws relating to thepresumption of disability is governed by the collective bargaining agreementbetween the City of Cranston and members of the Cranston police department.

   (9) Any member of the Hopkinton police department may retirepursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the board stating atwhat time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member at thespecified time for retirement has earned a service retirement allowance offifty percent (50%) of final compensation for at least twenty (20) yearsservice; final compensation for Hopkinton police department members is based onthe compensation components of weekly salary, longevity and holidays withlongevity of the members highest year of earnings and members shall receive athree percent (3%) escalation of their pension payment compounded each year onJanuary 1st following the year of retirement and continuing on an annual basison that date.

   (10) Any member of the Richmond police department may retirepursuant to this subdivision upon written application to the board stating atwhat time the member desires to retire; provided, that the member at thespecified time for retirement has earned a service retirement allowance offifty percent (50%) of final compensation for at least twenty-two (22) years'service pursuant to § 45-21.2-6.3.