§ 45-23-36 - General provisions – Application for development and certification of completeness.

SECTION 45-23-36

   § 45-23-36  General provisions –Application for development and certification of completeness. – (a) Classification. The administrative officer shall advise theapplicant as to which approvals are required and the appropriate board forhearing an application for a land development or subdivision project. Thefollowing types of applications, as defined in § 45-23-32, may be filed:

   (1) Administrative subdivision;

   (2) Minor subdivision or minor land development plan; and

   (3) Major subdivision or major land development plan.

   (b) Certification of a complete application. Anapplication shall be complete for purposes of commencing the applicable timeperiod for action when so certified by the administrative officer. Everycertification of completeness required by this chapter shall be in writing. Inthe event the certification of the application is not made within the timespecified in this chapter for the type of plan, the application is deemedcomplete for purposes of commencing the review period unless the applicationlacks information required for these applications as specified in the localregulations and the administrative officer has notified the applicant, inwriting, of the deficiencies in the application.

   (c) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b) of this section,the planning board may subsequently require correction of any information foundto be in error and submission of additional information specified in theregulations but not required by the administrative officer prior tocertification, as is necessary to make an informed decision.

   (d) Where the review is postponed with the consent of theapplicant, pending further information or revision of information, the timeperiod for review is stayed and resumes when the administrative officer or theplanning board determines that the required application information is complete.