§ 45-24.5-4 - Powers of councils.

SECTION 45-24.5-4

   § 45-24.5-4  Powers of councils. – Any city or town council in the state, by itself or pursuant to chapter 43 ofthis title, and in accordance with the purposes of this chapter, is authorizedto adopt ordinances creating waste water management districts (WWMD), which maybe empowered, pursuant to the ordinance, to:

   (1) Provide for the passage of district officials ontoprivate property when necessary for the periodic inspection of septic systems.

   (2) Order the maintenance and/or pumping of ISDS systems inaccordance with an appropriate schedule.

   (3) Raise funds for the administration, operations,contractual obligations, and services of the waste water management district by:

   (i) Assessing property owners for taxes or annual fees;

   (ii) Borrowing, and for that purpose, by issuing bonds ornotes of the city or town; and

   (iii) Setting rates for pumping.

   (4) Hire the personnel necessary to carry out the functionsof the district.

   (5) Establish a public education program, which would precedethe implementation of a WWMD, to make property owners aware of the propermaintenance and care of ISDS systems and the need for periodic pumping. After aWWMD has been created, an education program could remain in place to educatenew residents and update members of the district on new information orprocedures.

   (6) Receive grants and establish a revolving fund to makeavailable grants and low interest loans to individual property owners for theimprovement, correction, or replacement of failed septic systems.

   (7) Authorize and contract with independent septage haulers.

   (8) Contract with other cities or towns for septage disposalthrough sewage treatment plants.

   (9) Levy fines for noncompliance. These fines must be nogreater than five hundred dollars ($500) per violation. The fines go into adedicated fund for the purpose of operating the waste water managementdistrict. Each day of a continuing violation constitutes a separate anddistinct violation.

   (10) Provide for an appeal process from the decision of theWWMD under the provisions of the Rhode Island Administrative Procedures Act,chapter 35 of title 42. An aggrieved party has the right to appeal to thedistrict court.