§ 45-25-18 - Tenant selection.

SECTION 45-25-18

   § 45-25-18  Tenant selection. – In the operation or management of housing projects, the authority shall at alltimes observe the following duties with respect to rentals and tenantselections: (1) it may rent or lease the dwelling accommodations of housingprojects only to persons who lack the amount of income necessary (as determinedby the housing authority undertaking the project) to enable them, withoutfinancial assistance, to live in decent, safe, and sanitary dwellings, withoutovercrowding; and (2) it may rent or lease to a tenant dwelling accommodationsonly at rentals within the financial reach of that person; provided, that anauthority may agree to conditions as to tenant eligibility or preferencerequired by the federal government pursuant to federal law in any contract forfinancial assistance with the authority.