§ 45-25-18.3 - Membership of board.

SECTION 45-25-18.3

   § 45-25-18.3  Membership of board. –(a) The board shall consist of no fewer than eight (8) persons. One-half ( 1/2)of the members shall be elected from among the tenants occupying housingprojects. Each housing project, if there is more than one, shall elect at leasttwo (2) representatives. The remaining members of the board shall be appointedby the mayor in the case of a city or the council in the case of a town, fromresidents of the neighborhoods in which the projects are located. The member ormembers of the city or town council and the senator and representativerepresenting the housing project shall be notified of and may attend all boardmeetings.

   (b) The terms of all members shall be for two (2) years andno person shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms. All those membersfirst appointed shall serve terms of one year, and all those members firstelected shall serve terms of two (2) years. Thereafter, the term of office forall members, whether appointed or elected, shall be two (2) years.