§ 45-32-3 - General community plan – Minimum requirements.

SECTION 45-32-3

   § 45-32-3  General community plan –Minimum requirements. – The community must have a master or general community plan adopted by theplanning commission or the legislative body, and in either case the plan mustinclude at least the following:

   (1) A land use plan which designates the proposed generaldistribution and general location and extent of the uses of the land forhousing, business, industry, recreation, education, public buildings andgrounds, and other categories of public and private uses of land.

   (2) The general location and extent of existing and proposedmajor thoroughfares.

   (3) A statement of the standards of population density andbuilding intensity recommended in and for the various districts and otherterritorial units, together with estimates of future population growth, in theterritory covered by the plan, all correlated with the land use plan.

   (4) A description of the area or areas in which blighted andsubstandard conditions are found and recommendations as to the area or areaswhich should be designated for redevelopment.