§ 45-43-3 - Powers.

SECTION 45-43-3

   § 45-43-3  Powers. – (a) The council has the power to:

   (1) Study area governmental problems common to two (2) ormore members of the council as it deems appropriate, including, but not limitedto, matters affecting health, safety, welfare, education, economic conditions,and regional development;

   (2) Promote cooperative arrangements and coordinate actionamong its members; and

   (3) Make recommendations for review and action to the membersand other public agencies that perform functions within the region.

   (b) The council may, by appropriate action of the governingbodies of the member governments, exercise other powers that are exercised orcapable of exercise by the member governments and necessary or desirable fordealing with problems of mutual concern; provided, that the exercise of powerfor the creation, construction, or operation of new regional solid wastedisposal facilities is contingent upon the approval of the solid wastemanagement corporation.