§ 45-48-4 - Officers constituting administrative board – Powers – Bylaws – Elections.

SECTION 45-48-4

   § 45-48-4  Officers constitutingadministrative board – Powers – Bylaws – Elections. – (a) The electors of the district shall at each annual meeting elect officers toserve until the next succeeding first Tuesday in June and until theirsuccessors are elected and qualified, and the offices shall consist of amoderator, clerk, treasurer, three (3) assessors, and a collector of taxes,whose duties and powers are within the district, as like officers proper for adistrict. The officers constitute the administrative board, and the duties ofthe board are prescribed in this chapter, and are defined by the bylaws of thedistrict. Any vacancy that may occur in any of the aforenamed offices betweenannual meetings shall be filled by some person to be chosen by the othermembers of the administrative board to hold the office until the next annualmeeting. The electors of the district may, at any meeting, adopt and ordainbylaws, and, from time to time, rescind or amend the bylaws, as they deemnecessary and proper for the purposes of this chapter and not repugnant to itand not inconsistent with any other law; provided, that no greater penalty isinflicted by the board than is prescribed in § 45-48-10; and provided,further, that the electors may appoint committees they deem necessary, and mayfix the compensation of all officers, agents, employees, and committees of thedistrict.

   (b) For a person to become a candidate at any election underthis section, that person must secure the signatures of at least five (5)registered voters in the district. The Nasonville water district petition mustbe filed in the office of the clerk of the district not later than 4:00 p.m. onthe tenth day prior to the election, and the clerk shall certify as to whethera sufficient number of signers have affixed their signatures to the petition.

   (c) The general election laws shall govern elections underthis section so far as applicable and consistent with the provisions of thischapter. Paper ballots may be used for the elections and the elections shall beat the expense of the district. The ballots shall contain no designation ofparty or political principle and there shall be no primaries or otherpreliminary election.

   (d) Whenever several offices having the same title and termare to be filled at the same election, there shall be a single contest for theoffices and the candidates receiving the highest numbers of votes shall beelected. All elections shall be at large. Immediately after May 7, 1987, andafter each annual district election, the assessors shall choose one of theirnumber as chairperson of the assessors and the administrative board shallchoose one member of the board as chairperson of the district. The chairpersonsof both bodies may be the same person. All persons presently serving thedistrict in any capacity shall remain in their positions until replaced at thenext election held pursuant to this chapter.