§ 45-58-6 - Membership of board of commissioners.

SECTION 45-58-6

   § 45-58-6  Membership of board ofcommissioners. – (a) The board of utility commissioners shall consist of seven (7) members. Four(4) members of the board shall constitute a quorum and a vote of four (4)members shall be necessary for all action taken by the board. No vacancy in themembership of the board shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all therights and perform all the duties of the board. The initial members of theboard of utility commissioners shall be the utility commissioners currentlyholding office under the auspices of the Pascoag fire district, who shallcontinue to serve until their current terms expire. Thereafter, the members ofthe board of utility commissioners of the Pascoag utility district shall beelected for a term of three (3) years by ballot of voters otherwise eligible tovote in the general election in succeeding years in the village of Pascoag.

   (b) The members of the board of utility commissioners,moderator or clerk shall be residents of the village of Pascoag. Any registeredvoter within the geographic boundaries of the village of Pascoag shall beeligible to run for election to the board of utility commissioners, moderatoror clerk; provided, however, that he or she shall first have filed adeclaration of candidacy with the secretary of the board of utilitycommissioners not later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the scheduleddate of the election through which such person seeks to be elected to the boardof utility commissioners, moderator or clerk. In the event of a vacancyoccurring on the board of utility commissioners, moderator or clerk by reasonof death, resignation or other cause, the board itself may select an eligiblevoter to fill the vacancy until the next annual election.

   (c) The board of utility commissioners shall elect each yearfrom among its members: (1) a chairperson, who shall chair and moderatemeetings of the board of utility commissioners and shall execute such otherauthorities and duties as the board may provide; (2) a vice chairperson whoshall assume all duties of the chairperson in the chairperson's absence; and(3) a secretary, who shall maintain minutes of the meetings of the board ofutility commissioners, provide notice of the meetings in accordance with law,and shall have such other duties as the board of utility commissioners maydetermine. The board of utility commissioners shall appoint a treasurer, whomay be a member of the board or a general or special employee of the utilitydistrict, and who shall have charge and control of the money and deposits ofthe utility district.

   (d) The board of utility commissioners shall establish andadopt bylaws for the management and conduct of the utility district's affairs,and other aspects of the governance of the utility district not otherwisecontrolled by this chapter. Pending the adoption of the bylaws, the board ofutility commissioners shall be deemed to have adopted, and shall conduct theboard's business in accordance with, those portions of the bylaws of thePascoag fire district relating to utility matters.

   (e) In order to ensure that the status of the utilitydistrict as a quasi-municipal corporation, district and political subdivisionof the state does not prejudice its ability to contribute to the development ofeffective competition in the electricity and communications industries in thestate, it is specifically found and determined that: (1) strategic businessplanning records of the utility district (including without limitation businessplans, draft contracts, proposals, financial analyses and other similardocuments) shall not be subject to the disclosure requirements of chapter 2 oftitle 38 of the general laws unless the same materials in comparablecircumstances in the hands of an investor-owned utility would be subject todisclosure under other laws of the state; and (2) strategic business planningdiscussions of the board of utility commissioners, including such discussionswith utility district employees or consultants, are deemed to fall within thecircumstances defined in § 42-46-5(a)(7).