§ 46-12-24 - State grants and loans for pollution prevention facilities to governmental entities.

SECTION 46-12-24

   § 46-12-24  State grants and loans forpollution prevention facilities to governmental entities. – The director is authorized, within any limits of funds made available therefor,to make grants and loans to any municipality, inter-municipal agency, municipalsewer district, or state district or agency for the construction of necessaryfacilities to prevent the discharge of untreated or inadequately treatedpollutants into the waters of the state, and for the preparation of reports,plans, and specifications required in connection therewith under the followingterms:

   (1) The grant or loan shall be made only in connection with aproject which has or would be eligible for a grant or loan under the CleanWater Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et seq., as amended from time to time.

   (2) The amount of the grant or loan shall be in an amountnecessary to assure the recipient of the maximum federal aid that it cananticipate qualifying for under the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 etseq., or to supplement federal aid when the maximum federal aid, for which theproject is eligible, is not currently available, or to provide state assistancefor projects which are eligible under the Clean Water Act but which may notreceive such federal assistance.

   (3) The plans and specifications for the project must beapproved by the director in accordance with this chapter.

   (4) The grant or loan shall be made available to theapplicant in partial payments on a time schedule similar to that followed bythe United States Environmental Protection Agency, the payments to beproportioned in a similar manner except that the director may reimburseapplicants for eligible projects that have already been initiated, but not yetcompleted, and for which only partial federal and/or state aid was provided.

   (5) No grant or loan shall be made for any project until theapplicant has made provision satisfactory to the director for assuring itsproper and efficient operation and maintenance.

   (6) An applicant for a grant or loan must file such executedforms and provide such information as may be required by the director.