§ 5-20.5-3 - Contents of application – Application fee – Recommendations required.

SECTION 5-20.5-3

   § 5-20.5-3  Contents of application –Application fee – Recommendations required. – (a) Applicants applying for the first time for a license to act as a realestate broker or real estate salesperson shall file with the director anapplication for the license upon a form furnished by the director which,together with any additional information that the director requires, contains astatement under oath by the applicant giving his or her age, residence, placeof business, present occupation and occupation for the past five (5) years andwhether or not he or she has been refused a real estate broker's orsalesperson's license in this or in any other state or had any real estatelicense suspended or revoked.

   (b) All applicants for a license to act as a real estatebroker or real estate salesperson shall accompany their applications with a feeof ten dollars ($10.00) to cover costs of processing those applications.

   (c) The application for a broker's license shall beaccompanied by the recommendation of at least three (3) citizens who areproperty owners for at least three (3) years, who have known the applicant forthree (3) years, and are not related to the applicant, certifying that theapplicant bears a good reputation for honesty and trustworthiness, andrecommending that a license be granted to the applicant, and the applicant mustbe a citizen or legal resident of the United States and at least legal age ofmajority, if applicant for broker license, or at least eighteen (18) years ofage for salesperson license. In the case of an applicant for a real estatesalesperson's license, he or she must also file a statement under oath from thebroker in whose employ the applicant desires to enter that in his or heropinion the applicant is competent and trustworthy and is recommended as asuitable person to be granted a salesperson's license.