§ 5-22-12 - License fees – Revocation of license.

SECTION 5-22-12

   § 5-22-12  License fees – Revocationof license. – Town or city councils, bureaus of licenses, or boards of police commissionersshall demand and receive of every person to whom a license is granted underthis chapter a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) for any singleperformance, show, exhibition, concert, entertainment, moving pictureexhibition, dance or ball, that they deem proper; provided, that performancesand entertainments given by religious and charitable societies and volunteerfire-fighting companies duly organized and incorporated for the purpose offurthering their religious, benevolent, or fire-fighting work are excepted fromthe provisions of this chapter as to fees. Any license granted under theauthority of §§ 5-22-5 – 5-22-12 may be revoked at the pleasureof that city or town council, bureau of licenses or board of policecommissioners.