§ 5-22-8 - Performances and movies after 1 P.M. on Sunday.

SECTION 5-22-8

   § 5-22-8  Performances and movies after 1P.M. on Sunday. – The bureau of licenses of the city of Providence, the police commissioners ofthe city of Woonsocket, the town councils of the towns of Burrillville and WestWarwick and the city council or other licensing board of the cities of CentralFalls, Cranston, Pawtucket and Newport may authorize the performance for pay orprofit of vocal, instrumental, or orchestral entertainments and lectures of aninstructive character, plays, or legitimate theater performances, andvaudeville performances of juggling and stage dancing having the approval ofthe licensing body of the city or town where those performances are given, andmoving picture exhibitions, consisting of any pictures that have the approvalof the national board of review and the licensing body of the city or townwhere those pictures are to be shown, on the first day of the week after thehour of one o'clock (1:00) P.M., but the license does not authorize the vendingor serving of any foods or refreshments of any kind or nature on the first dayof the week.