§ 5-49-15 - Board – Creation – Composition – Appointment and terms.

SECTION 5-49-15

   § 5-49-15  Board – Creation –Composition – Appointment and terms. – (a) There is established a board of hearing aid dealers and fitters whichguides, advises, and makes recommendations to the department.

   (b) Members of the board shall be residents of the state.

   (2) The board shall consist of three (3) hearing aid dealersand fitters; one otolaryngologist; one audiologist; and one lay member whoshall be a user of hearing aids and not employed in the practice of fitting anddealing in hearing aids.

   (3) Each hearing aid dealer and fitter on the board shallhave no less than five (5) years experience and hold a valid license as ahearing aid dealer and fitter, as provided under this chapter.

   (4) Excepted shall be the hearing aid dealers and fitters ofthe first board appointed, who have no less than five (5) years of experienceand fulfill all qualifications under § 5-49-7 as provided under thischapter.

   (c) All members of the board shall be appointed by thegovernor.

   (d) The term of office of each member shall be three (3)years; except that of the members of the first board appointed under thischapter, two (2) shall be appointed for two (2) years, two (2) shall beappointed for three (3) years, and two (2) shall be appointed for four (4)years.

   (e) Before a member's term expires, the governor shallappoint a successor to assume his or her duties on the expiration of his or herpredecessor's term.

   (f) A vacancy in the office of a member shall be filled byappointment for the unexpired term.

   (g) The members of the board shall annually designate onemember to serve as chair and another to serve as secretary-treasurer.

   (h) No member of the board who has served two (2) or morefull terms may be reappointed to the board until at least one year after theexpiration of his or her most recent full term of office.

   (i) Members of the board shall not be compensated for theirservices on the board.