§ 5-57-22 - Renewal of licenses.

SECTION 5-57-22

   § 5-57-22  Renewal of licenses. – Application for renewal of a license must be received by the licensingauthority on a form provided by the licensing authority no less than thirty(30) days prior to the expiration date of the license, subject to the right ofthe licensing authority to permit late filing upon good cause shown. Thelicensing authority may refuse to renew a license for any of the grounds statedin § 5-57-19(1) and it shall promptly notify the licensee of its intent torefuse to renew the license. The licensee may, within fifteen (15) days afterreceipt of the notice of intent to refuse to renew a license, request a hearingon that refusal in the manner prescribed in § 5-57-20(b). A licensee shallbe permitted to continue to engage in the alarm business while its renewalapplication is pending.