§ 8-8-3 - Jurisdiction.


   § 8-8-3  Jurisdiction. – (a) The district court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of:

   (1) All civil actions at law, but not causes in equity orthose following the course of equity except as provided in § 8-8-3.1 andchapter 8.1 of this title, wherein the amount in controversy does not exceedfive thousand dollars ($5,000);

   (2) All actions between landlords and tenants pursuant tochapter 18 of title 34 and all other actions for possession of premises andestates notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (c) of this section;

   (3) All actions of replevin where the goods and chattels tobe replevied are of the value of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or less;

   (4) All violations of minimum housing standards whetherestablished by chapter 24.3 of title 45 or by any municipal ordinance, rule, orregulation passed pursuant to the authority granted either by chapter 24.2 oftitle 45 or by special act of the general assembly governing minimum housingstandards; except that in the event the city of Providence or town of NorthProvidence shall by ordinance create a court for the purpose of exercisingjurisdiction over violations of minimum housing standards, Providence MunicipalZoning Code and the Rhode Island State Building Code, chapter 27.3 of title 23,concerning properties which are not owned by the state, upon enactment of theordinance, that court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of violationsof the above listed codes and standards as defined herein occurring within thecity of Providence or the town of North Providence, and the district courtshall be without jurisdiction over those actions;

   (5) All suits and complaints for offenses against the bylaws,ordinances, and regulations of cities and towns whether passed by the cities ortowns or under the law by the properly constituted authorities thereof;

   (6) All other actions, proceedings, and matters of whatevernature which are or shall be declared to be within the jurisdiction of thecourt by the laws of the state.

   (b) The district court shall also have any specialjurisdiction which is or may be conferred by charter or law upon justices ofthe peace if no special court exists or is created by charter or law for thatpurpose.

   (c) The district court shall have concurrent originaljurisdiction with the superior court of all civil actions at law wherein theamount in controversy exceeds the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000) anddoes not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000); provided, however, that in anysuch action, any one or more defendants may in the answer to the complaintdemand removal of the action to the superior court, in which event the actionshall proceed as if it had been filed originally in the superior court.

   (d) The district court shall have special jurisdiction togrant relief as set forth under § 15-15-4(b)(1).