§ 9-10-20 - Oaths of jurors.

SECTION 9-10-20

   § 9-10-20  Oaths of jurors. – Grand and petit jurors, before acting as such, shall take the oath prescribedfor them in the following terms:


   "You severally and solemnly swear (or, affirm) that asmembers of the grand inquest for the body of the county (or counties) of]]]]]]]]]] you will diligently inquire and true presentment make of all suchcrimes and misdemeanors cognizable by this court as shall come to yourknowledge: the state's council, your fellow's and your own, will keep secret:will present no person for envy, hatred or malice: neither will you leave anyperson unpresented for love, fear, favor, affection or hope of reward: but youwill present things truly, as they come to your knowledge, according to thebest of your understanding: So help you God. (Or: This affirmation you make andgive upon peril of the penalty of perjury.)"


   "You swear (or, affirm) that you will well and truly try andtrue deliverance make between the state of Rhode Island and ProvidencePlantations and the prisoner (or, defendant) at the bar according to law andthe evidence given you: So help you God. (Or: This affirmation you make andgive upon peril of the penalty of perjury.)"


   "You swear (or, affirm) that in all cases between party andparty, that shall be committed to you, you will give a true verdict therein,according to law and the evidence given you: So help you God. (Or: Thisaffirmation you make and give upon peril of the penalty of perjury.)"