56-8-305 - Permissible actions by insurers.

56-8-305. Permissible actions by insurers.

Underwriting in accordance with the standards set forth in this section shall be deemed not to be a violation of this part. Upon request of the commissioner, a health carrier or insurer of an individual or group policy that has taken an action that adversely affects a subject of abuse on the basis of an abuse-related medical condition must explain the reason for its action to the commissioner in writing and must be able to demonstrate that its action:

     (1)  Does not have the purpose or effect of treating abuse status as a medical condition or underwriting criterion;

     (2)  Is otherwise permissible by law and applies in the same manner and to the same extent to all applicants and insureds with a similar medical condition without regard to whether the condition or claim is abuse-related; and

     (3)  Is based on a determination, made in conformance with actual or reasonably anticipated actuarial experience.

[Acts 1996, ch. 723, § 4.]