68-1-304 - County mouth hygienists.

68-1-304. County mouth hygienists.

(a)  To assist the commissioner in carrying out the duties of the commissioner's office, the commissioner is authorized to appoint a reputable dentist in each county seat, who shall serve without compensation and shall be known as county mouth hygienist.

(b)  County health departments, both rural and metro, with existing dental staff and facilities receiving state or federal funds, shall, as a high priority to the extent possible within budgetary limitations, provide indigent children with comprehensive dental services and indigent adults with emergency dental services for the relief of pain and infections.

[Acts 1919, ch. 172, § 5; Shan. Supp., § 3100a6; Code 1932, § 5765; T.C.A. (orig. ed.), § 53-112; Acts 2008, ch. 998, § 2.]