7-84-606 - This part as alternative to parts 1-5 of this chapter.

7-84-606. This part as alternative to parts 1-5 of this chapter.

This part shall constitute independent authority, separate and apart from parts 1-5 of this chapter, for the establishment and governance of an inner-city redevelopment district, and shall constitute an alternative method of establishing and governing such a district. None of the provisions of this part shall in any way affect the operation and effect of parts 1-5 of this chapter, which shall continue in full force and effect as separate and independent authority for the establishment and governance of a central business improvement district; provided, however, that notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no designated center-city area of a municipality, that creates or has created a central business improvement district pursuant to this chapter, shall overlap any area within an inner-city redevelopment district created by the municipality pursuant to this part.

[Acts 2003, ch. 195, § 1.]