10 - Retirement System for County Paid Judges 

10. Retirement System for County Paid Judges 17-501.  Definitions. 17-502.  Establishment of system. 17-503.  Retirement board Composition Officers Quorum Personnel. 17-504.  Rights, powers and duties of board. 17-505.  Compensation of board Nonliability of members.   17-506.  Personal interest of board prohibited. 17-507.  Duties of counties Information Payroll deductions.   17-508.  Retirement fund established Purpose. 17-509.  Board as trustee of fund Management of fund Treasurer as custodian Disbursements. 17-510.  Funds deposited in banks. 17-511.  Members' contributions Payroll deductions deemed authorized. 17-512.  Tax on litigation State tax only. 17-513.  Litigation tax under private acts. 17-514.  Members' contribution account. 17-515.  Retirement allowance account. 17-516.  Actuarial valuations and experience investigations. 17-517.  Conditions of eligibility and participation. 17-518.  Beneficiary designation. 17-519.  Termination of membership. 17-520.  Prior service certificates. 17-521.  Application for benefits. 17-522.  Normal retirement Conditions Benefit. 17-523.  Delayed retirement Conditions Benefit. 17-524.  Early retirement Conditions Benefit. 17-525.  Disability Definition Requirements. 17-526.  Disability Conditions Benefit. 17-527.  Death benefits before retirement After retirement.   17-528.  Termination of employment before four years of credited service. 17-529.  Termination of employment after four years but before eight years of credited service. 17-530.  Termination of employment after eight years of credited service. 17-531.  Election of optional retirement benefits. 17-532.  Description of options. 17-533.  Changes in system. 17-534.  Termination of system. 17-535.  Spendthrift clause. 17-536.  Claims. 17-537.  Payments for legally incompetent persons. 17-538.  Correction of errors. 17-539.  Violation a misdemeanor Penalty.