Sec. 432.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:

(1) "Accuser" means a person who signs and swears to charges,

who directs that charges nominally be signed and sworn to by

another, or who has an interest other than an official interest

in the prosecution of the accused.

(2) "Active state duty" means duty authorized under the

constitution and laws of the state and all training authorized

under Title 32, United States Code.

(3) "Commanding officer" includes commissioned officers and

warrant officers, as applicable.

(4) "Convening authority" includes, in addition to the person

who convened the court, a commissioned officer commanding

temporarily, or a successor in command.

(5) "Enlisted member" means a person in an enlisted grade.

(6) "Grade" means a step or degree, in a graduated scale of

office or military rank, that is established and designated as a

grade by law or regulation.

(7) "Judge advocate" means a commissioned officer appointed to

serve as a judge advocate by the adjutant general under Section


(8) "Legal officer" means a commissioned officer of the state

military forces designated to perform legal duties for a command.

(9) "Military" refers to all or part of the state military


(10) "Military court" means a court-martial, court of inquiry,

military commission, or provost court.

(11) "Military judge" means an official of a court-martial

detailed in accordance with Section 432.045.

(12) "Officer" means a commissioned or warrant officer.

(13) "Officer candidate" means a cadet of the state officer

candidate school.

(14) "Rank" means the order of precedence among members of the

state military forces.

(15) "State judge advocate general" means the judge advocate

general of the state military forces, commissioned in those

forces, and responsible for supervising the administration of

military justice in the state military forces, and performing

other legal duties required by the adjutant general.

(16) "State military forces" means the National Guard of this

state, as defined in 32 U.S.C. Sections 101(3), (4) and (6), and

other militia or military forces organized under the laws of this


(17) "Superior commissioned officer" means a commissioned

officer superior in rank or command.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 309, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1,


Sec. 432.002. PERSONS SUBJECT TO CHAPTER. This chapter applies

to all members of the state military forces who are not in

federal service.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


person discharged from the state military forces who is later

charged with having fraudulently obtained the discharge is,

except as provided by Section 432.068, subject to trial by

court-martial on that charge and is, after apprehension, subject

to this chapter while in custody of the military for that trial.

On conviction of that charge the person is subject to trial by

court-martial for all offenses under this chapter committed

before the fraudulent discharge.

(b) A person who has deserted from the state military forces may

not be relieved from amenability to the jurisdiction of this

chapter by virtue of a separation from any later period of


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


chapter applies in all places and to all persons otherwise

subject to this chapter while they are serving outside the state

and while they are going to and returning from service outside

the state, in the same manner and to the same extent as if they

were serving inside the state.

(b) Courts-martial and courts of inquiry may be convened and

held in units of the state military forces while those units are

serving outside the state, with the same jurisdiction and power

as to persons subject to this chapter as if the proceedings were

held inside the state, and offenses committed outside the state

may be tried and punished either inside or outside the state.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


adjutant general shall appoint an officer of the state military

forces as state judge advocate general. To be eligible for

appointment, an officer must be a member of the State Bar of

Texas for at least five years.

(b) The adjutant general shall appoint judge advocates and legal

officers on recommendation by the state judge advocate general.

To be eligible for appointment, a judge advocate or legal officer

must be an officer of the state military forces and a member of

the State Bar of Texas.

(c) The state judge advocate general or his assistants shall

make frequent inspections in the field in supervision of the

administration of military justice.

(d) Convening authorities shall at all times communicate

directly with their staff judge advocates or legal officers in

matters relating to the administration of military justice. The

staff judge advocates or legal officers of a command are entitled

to communicate directly with the staff judge advocates or legal

officers of a superior or subordinate command or with the state

judge advocate general.

(e) A person who has acted as member, military judge, trial

counsel, assistant trial counsel, defense counsel, assistant

defense counsel, or investigating officer, or who has been a

witness for either the prosecution or defense in a case, may not

later act as staff judge advocate or legal officer to a reviewing

authority on the same case.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 309, Sec. 2, eff. Sept. 1,



Sec. 432.011. APPREHENSION. (a) In this subchapter,

"apprehend" means to take a person into custody.

(b) A person authorized by this chapter or by regulations issued

under it to apprehend a person subject to this chapter, a marshal

of a court-martial appointed under this chapter, and a peace

officer having authority to apprehend offenders under the laws of

the United States or of a state, may do so on reasonable belief

that an offense has been committed and that the person

apprehended committed it.

(c) Commissioned officers, warrant officers, and noncommissioned

officers may quell quarrels, frays, and disorders among persons

subject to this chapter and apprehend persons subject to this

chapter who take part in those activities.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.012. APPREHENSION OF DESERTERS. A civil officer or

peace officer having authority to apprehend offenders under the

laws of the United States or a state, territory, commonwealth, or

possession, or the District of Columbia, may summarily apprehend

a deserter from the state military forces and deliver the

deserter into the custody of the state military forces.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.013. IMPOSITION OF RESTRAINT. (a) In this subchapter:

(1) "Arrest" means the restraint of a person by an order, not

imposed as a punishment for an offense, directing the person to

remain within certain specified limits.

(2) "Confinement" means the physical restraint of a person.

(b) An enlisted member may be ordered into arrest or confinement

by a commissioned officer by an oral or written order delivered

in person, through other persons subject to this chapter, or

through a person authorized by this chapter to apprehend persons.

A commanding officer may authorize warrant officers or

noncommissioned officers to order enlisted members of his company

or subject to his authority into arrest or confinement.

(c) A commissioned officer or warrant officer may be ordered

apprehended or into arrest or confinement only by a commanding

officer to whose authority he is subject, by an oral or written

order delivered in person or by another commissioned officer. The

authority to order such persons apprehended or into arrest or

confinement may not be delegated.

(d) A person may not be ordered apprehended or into arrest or

confinement except for probable cause.

(e) This section does not limit the authority of persons

authorized to apprehend offenders to secure the custody of an

alleged offender until the proper authority may be notified.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


person subject to this chapter charged with an offense under this

chapter shall be ordered into arrest or confinement, as

circumstances may require, but if charged with only an offense

normally tried by a summary court-martial, the person may not

ordinarily be placed in confinement. If a person subject to this

chapter is placed in arrest or confinement before trial,

immediate steps shall be taken to inform him of the specific

wrong of which he is accused and to try him or to dismiss the

charges and release him. A person confined other than in a

guardhouse, whether before, during, or after trial by a military

court, shall be confined in a civil jail.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


provost marshal, commander of a guard, master at arms, warden,

keeper, or officer of a city or county jail or any other jail

designated under Section 432.014 may not refuse to receive or

keep a prisoner committed to his charge, when the committing

person furnishes a statement, signed by him, of the offense

charged against the prisoner.

(b) A commander of a guard, master at arms, warden, keeper, or

officer of a city or county jail or of any other jail designated

under Section 432.014 to whose charge a prisoner is committed

shall, within 24 hours after that commitment or as soon as he is

relieved from guard, report to the commanding officer of the

prisoner the name of the prisoner, the offense charged against

him, and the name of the person who ordered or authorized the


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


Section 432.093, a person, while being held for trial or the

result of trial, may not be subjected to punishment or penalty

other than arrest or confinement on the charges pending against

the person, nor may the arrest or confinement imposed on the

person be more rigorous than the circumstances require to ensure

the person's presence, but the person may be subjected to minor

punishment during that period for infractions of discipline.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


Under regulations prescribed under this chapter a person subject

to this chapter who is on active state duty and who is accused of

an offense against civil authority may be delivered, on request,

to the civil authority for trial.

(b) If delivery under this section is made to a civil authority

of a person undergoing sentence of a court-martial, the delivery,

if followed by conviction in a civil tribunal, interrupts the

execution of the sentence of the court-martial, and the offender,

after having answered to the civil authorities for the offense,

on the request of competent military authority, shall be returned

to military custody for the completion of the sentence.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.



Under regulations that the governor may prescribe, limitations

may be placed on the powers granted by this section with respect

to the kind and amount of punishment authorized, the categories

of commanding officers and warrant officers exercising command

authorized to exercise those powers, the applicability of this

section to an accused who demands trial by court-martial, and the

kinds of courts-martial to which the case may be referred on such

a demand. However, except in the case of a member attached to or

embarked in a vessel, punishment may not be imposed on a member

of the state military forces under this section if the member,

before the imposition of the punishment, has demanded trial by

court-martial in lieu of the punishment. Under similar

regulations, rules may be prescribed with respect to the

suspension of punishments authorized by this section. If

authorized by regulations of the governor, the governor or an

officer of general rank in command may delegate the governor's or

officer's powers under this section to a principal assistant. If

disciplinary punishment other than admonition or reprimand is to

be imposed, the accused shall be afforded the opportunity to be

represented by defense counsel having the qualifications

prescribed under Section 432.046(b), if such a counsel is

available. Otherwise, the accused shall be afforded the

opportunity to be represented by any available commissioned

officer of his choice. The accused may also employ civilian

counsel of his own choosing at his own expense. In all

proceedings, the accused is allowed three duty days, or longer on

written justification, to reply to the notification of intent to

impose punishment under this section.

(b) Subject to Subsection (a), a commanding officer may, in

addition to or in lieu of admonition or reprimand, impose one or

more of the following disciplinary punishments for minor offenses

without the intervention of a court-martial:

(1) on officers of his command:

(A) restriction to certain specified limits with or without

suspension from duty, for not more than 30 days; or

(B) if imposed by the governor, or an officer of general rank in


(i) arrest in quarters for not more than 30 days;

(ii) forfeiture of not more than half of one month's pay a month

for two months or a fine of not more than $75;

(iii) restriction to certain specified limits, with or without

suspension from duty, for not more than 60 days; or

(iv) detention of not more than half of one month's pay a month

for three months; and

(2) on other personnel of his command:

(A) if imposed on a person attached to or embarked in a vessel,

confinement for not more than three days;

(B) correctional custody for not more than seven days;

(C) forfeiture of not more than seven days' pay or a fine of not

more than $50;

(D) reduction of not more than two pay grades, if imposed by a

commanding officer of the grade of colonel or above, or reduction

of not more than one pay grade, if imposed by a commanding

officer of a grade lower than colonel;

(E) extra duties including fatigue or other duties, for not more

than 30 days, which need not be consecutive, and for not more

than two hours a day, holidays included;

(F) restriction to certain specified limits, with or without

suspension from duty for not more than 14 days;

(G) detention of not more than 14 days' pay; or

(H) if imposed by an officer of the grade of major or above:

(i) the punishment authorized under Subsection (b)(2)(A);

(ii) correctional custody for not more than 30 days;

(iii) forfeiture of not more than half of one month's pay a

month for two months or a fine of not more than $100;

(iv) reduction to the lowest or any intermediate pay grade, if

the grade from which demoted is within the promotion authority of

the officer imposing the reduction or an officer subordinate to

the one who imposes the reduction, but an enlisted member in a

pay grade above E-4 may not be reduced more than two pay grades;

(v) extra duties, including fatigue or other duties, for not

more than 45 days which need not be consecutive and for not more

than two hours a day, holidays included;

(vi) restriction to certain specified limits with or without

suspension from duty, for not more than 60 days; or

(vii) detention of not more than half of one month's pay a month

for three months.

(c) Detention of pay shall be for a stated period of not more

than one year, but if the offender's term of service expires

earlier, the detention shall terminate on that expiration. No two

or more of the punishments of arrest in quarters, correctional

custody, extra duties, and restriction may be combined to run

consecutively in the maximum amount imposable for each. If any of

those punishments are combined to run consecutively, there must

be an apportionment. In addition, fine or forfeiture of pay may

not be combined with detention of pay without an apportionment.

For the purposes of this section "correctional custody" means the

physical restraint of a person during duty or nonduty hours and

may include extra duties, fatigue duties, or hard labor. If

practicable, correctional custody may not be required to be

served in immediate association with persons awaiting trial or

held in confinement pursuant to trial by courts-martial.

(d) An officer in charge may impose on enlisted members assigned

to the unit of which he is in charge those of the punishments

authorized under Subsections (b)(2)(A)-(G) that the governor

specifically prescribes by regulation.

(e) The officer who imposes the punishment authorized in

Subsection (b) or his successor in command may at any time

suspend probationally any part or amount of the unexecuted

punishment imposed and may suspend probationally a reduction in

grade or fine or forfeiture imposed under Subsection (b), whether

or not executed. In addition, the officer may, at any time, remit

or mitigate any part or amount of the unexecuted punishment

imposed and may set aside in whole or in part the punishment,

whether executed or unexecuted, and restore all rights,

privileges, and property affected. The officer may also mitigate

reduction in grade to fine or forfeiture or detention of pay. If

mitigating arrest in quarters to restriction or extra duties to

restriction, the mitigated punishment may not be for a greater

period than the punishment mitigated. If mitigating forfeiture of

pay to detention of pay, the amount of the detention may not be

greater than the amount of the forfeiture. If mitigating

reduction in grade to fine, forfeiture, or detention of pay, the

amount of the fine, forfeiture, or detention may not be greater

than the amount that could have been imposed initially under this

section by the officer who imposed the punishment mitigated.

(f) A person punished under this section who considers the

punishment unjust or disproportionate to the offense may appeal

to the next superior authority through the proper channel. The

appeal shall be promptly forwarded and decided, but the person

punished may in the meantime be required to undergo the

punishment adjudged. The superior authority may exercise the same

powers with respect to the punishment imposed as may be exercised

under Subsection (e) by the officer who imposed the punishment.

Before acting on an appeal from a punishment of arrest in

quarters for more than seven days, correctional custody for more

than seven days, forfeiture of more than seven days' pay,

reduction of one or more pay grades from the fourth or a higher

pay grade, extra duties for more than 14 days, restriction of

more than 14 days' pay, or detention of more than 14 days' pay,

the authority who is to act on the appeal shall refer the case to

a judge advocate or legal officer of the state military forces

for consideration and advice, and may similarly refer the case on

appeal from a punishment imposed under Subsection (b).

(g) The imposition and enforcement of disciplinary punishment

under this section for an act or omission is not a bar to trial

by court-martial for a serious crime or offense growing out of

the same act or omission and not properly punishable under this

section, but the fact that a disciplinary punishment has been

enforced may be shown by the accused on trial and, when shown,

shall be considered in determining the measure of punishment to

be adjudged in the event of a finding of guilty.

(h) The governor by regulation may prescribe the form of records

to be kept of proceedings under this section and may require that

certain categories of those proceedings be in writing.

(i) A commanding officer may delegate authority to make a

reduction in pay grade under Subsection (b)(2)(D) to the

commanding officer's executive officer, chief of staff, or vice


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by:

Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch.

94, Sec. 1, eff. September 1, 2005.


Sec. 432.031. COURTS-MARTIAL CLASSIFIED. The three kinds of

courts-martial in each of the state military forces are:

(1) general court-martial, consisting of:

(A) a military judge and not fewer than five members; or

(B) only a military judge, if before the court is assembled the

accused, knowing the identity of the military judge and after

consultation with defense counsel, requests in writing a court

composed only of a military judge and the military judge


(2) special court-martial, consisting of:

(A) not fewer than three members; or

(B) a military judge and not fewer than three members; or

(C) only a military judge, if one has been detailed to the

court, and the accused under the same conditions as those

prescribed in Subdivision (1)(B) requests; and

(3) summary court-martial, consisting of one officer, who must

be a military judge or an attorney licensed to practice law in

this state.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


force of the state military forces has court-martial jurisdiction

over all persons subject to this chapter. The exercise of

jurisdiction by one force over personnel of another force shall

be in accordance with regulations prescribed by the governor.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


Subject to Section 432.032, a general court-martial has

jurisdiction to try a person subject to this chapter for any

offense made punishable by this chapter and may, under

limitations the governor prescribes, adjudge any of the following


(1) a fine of not more than $1,000 or confinement for not more

than 360 days;

(2) forfeiture of pay and allowances;

(3) reprimand;

(4) dismissal or dishonorable discharge;

(5) reduction of a noncommissioned officer to the ranks; or

(6) any combination of those punishments.

(b) A dismissal or dishonorable discharge may not be adjudged

unless a complete record of the proceedings and testimony is

made, counsel having the qualifications prescribed under Section

432.046(b) is detailed to represent the accused; and a military

judge is detailed to the trial.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by:

Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch.

94, Sec. 2, eff. September 1, 2005.


Subject to Section 432.032, a special court-martial has

jurisdiction to try a person subject to this chapter, except a

commissioned officer, for any offense for which he may be

punished under this chapter. A special court-martial has the

same powers of punishment as a general court-martial, except that

a special court-martial may not impose more than a $500 fine or

confinement of more than 180 days for a single offense.

(b) A dismissal or dishonorable discharge may not be adjudged

unless a complete record of the proceedings and testimony is

made, counsel having the qualifications prescribed under Section

432.046(b) is detailed to represent the accused, and a military

judge is detailed to the trial, except in a case in which a

military judge cannot be detailed to the trial because of

physical conditions or military exigencies. In a case in which a

military judge is not detailed to the trial, the convening

authority shall make a detailed written statement, to be appended

to the record, stating the reason a military judge could not be


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by:

Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch.

94, Sec. 3, eff. September 1, 2005.


Subject to Section 432.032, a summary court-martial has

jurisdiction to try persons subject to this chapter, except

officers, for any offense made punishable by this chapter.

(b) A person of whom a summary court-martial has jurisdiction

may not be brought to trial before a summary court-martial if the

person objects. If an accused objects to trial by summary

court-martial, trial may be ordered by special or general

court-martial, as appropriate.

(c) A summary court-martial may sentence a person to pay a fine

of not more than $200 or confinement for not more than 90 days

for a single offense, to forfeiture of pay and allowances, and to

reduction of a noncommissioned officer to the ranks.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by:

Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch.

94, Sec. 4, eff. September 1, 2005.


provisions of this chapter conferring jurisdiction on

courts-martial do not deprive military commissions, provost

courts, or other military tribunals of concurrent jurisdiction

with respect to offenders or offenses that by statute or by the

law of war may be tried by military commissions, provost courts,

or other military tribunals.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.



militia or state military forces not in federal service a general

court-martial may be convened by:

(1) the governor; or

(2) the adjutant general or any other general officer under

regulations the governor may adopt.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


state military forces not in federal service, any commander in

the grade of lieutenant colonel or in a higher grade may convene

a special court-martial.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 309, Sec. 3, eff. Sept. 1,



state military forces not in federal service, any commander in

the grade of major or in a higher grade may convene a summary


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 309, Sec. 4, eff. Sept. 1,


Sec. 432.044. WHO MAY SERVE ON COURT-MARTIAL. (a) A state

commissioned officer in a duty status is eligible to serve on a

court-martial for the trial of a person who may lawfully be

brought before the court for trial.

(b) A warrant officer in a duty status is eligible to serve on

general and special courts-martial for the trial of a person,

other than a commissioned officer, who may lawfully be brought

before the courts for trial.

(c) An enlisted member of the state military forces in a duty

status who is not a member of the same unit as the accused is

eligible to serve on general and special courts-martial for the

trial of an enlisted member of the state military forces who may

lawfully be brought before the court for trial if, before the

conclusion of a session called by the military judge under

Section 432.064(a) before trial or, in the absence of such a

session, before the court is assembled for the trial of the

accused, the accused personally has requested in writing that

enlisted members serve on it. After such a request, the accused

may not be tried by a general or special court-martial the

membership of which does not include enlisted members in a number

comprising at least one-third of the total membership of the

court, unless eligible members cannot be obtained because of

physical conditions or military exigencies. If a sufficient

number of enlisted members cannot be obtained, the court may be

convened and the trial held without them, but the convening

authority shall make a detailed written statement, to be appended

to the record, stating why they could not be obtained. In this

subsection, "unit" means a regularly organized body of the state

military forces.

(d) If it can be avoided, a person subject to this chapter may

not be tried by a court-martial, a member of which is junior to

him in rank or grade. On convening a court-martial, the convening

authority shall detail as members of the court-martial members of

the state military forces that, in his opinion, are best

qualified for the duty because of age, education, training,

experience, length of service, and judicial temperament. A member

of the state military forces is not eligible to serve as a member

of a general or special court-martial if the member is the

accuser or a witness for the prosecution or has acted as

investigating officer or counsel in the same case.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 309, Sec. 5, eff. Sept. 1,



authority convening a general court-martial shall, and, subject

to regulations issued by the governor, the authority convening a

special or summary court-martial may, detail a military judge to

the court-martial. A military judge shall preside over open

sessions of the court-martial to which the judge has been


(b) A military judge must be a commissioned officer of the state

military forces, a member of the State Bar of Texas, and

certified to be qualified for duty as a military judge by the

state judge advocate general of the state military forces.

(c) The military judge of a general court-martial shall be

designated by the state judge advocate general or his designee

for detail by the convening authority, and unless the

court-martial was convened by the governor or the adjutant

general, neither the convening authority nor a member of his

staff shall prepare or review any report concerning the

effectiveness, fitness, or efficiency of the military judge's

performance of duty as a military judge.

(d) A person who is the accuser or a witness for the prosecution

or has acted as investigating officer or counsel in a case is not

eligible to act as military judge in the case.

(e) The military judge of a court-martial may not consult with

the members of the court except in the presence of the accused,

trial counsel, and defense counsel, nor may he vote with the

members of the court.

(f) A military judge detailed to preside over a court-martial is

not subject to any report by the convening authority concerning

the effectiveness, fitness, or efficiency of that military judge

that relates to performance of duty as a military judge, nor any

member of his staff.

(g) A trial counsel, defense counsel, military judge, legal

officer, summary court officer, or any other person certified by

the state judge advocate general to perform legal functions under

this chapter shall be used interchangeably, as needed, among all

of the state military forces.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 309, Sec. 6, eff. Sept. 1,



The authority convening each general, special, or summary

court-martial shall detail trial counsel, defense counsel, and

assistants that the authority considers appropriate. A person who

has acted as investigating officer, military judge, or court

member in a case may not act later as trial counsel or assistant

trial counsel, or, unless expressly requested by the accused, as

defense counsel or assistant defense counsel in the same case. A

person who has acted for the prosecution may not act later in the

same case for the defense, nor may a person who has acted for the

defense act later in the same case for the prosecution.

(b) Trial counsel or defense counsel detailed for a general

court-martial must be:

(1) a member of the State Bar of Texas; and

(2) certified as competent to perform those duties by the state

judge advocate general.

(c) In the case of a special or summary court-martial the

accused shall be afforded the opportunity to be represented at

the trial by counsel having the qualifications prescribed under

Subsection (b) unless counsel having those qualifications cannot

be obtained because of physical conditions or military

exigencies. If counsel having those qualifications cannot be

obtained, the court may be convened and the trial held, but the

convening authority shall make a detailed written statement, to

be appended to the record, stating why counsel with those

qualifications could not be obtained. If the trial counsel is

qualified to act as counsel before a general court-martial, the

defense counsel detailed by the convening authority must be a

person similarly qualified. If the trial counsel is a judge

advocate or a member of the State Bar of Texas, the defense

counsel detailed by the convening authority must be a judge

advocate or a member of the State Bar of Texas.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Amended by Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. 309, Sec. 7, eff. Sept. 1,



INTERPRETERS. Under regulations that the governor prescribes,

the convening authority of a general or special court-martial,

military commission, court of inquiry, or a military tribunal:

(1) shall detail or employ qualified court reporters who shall

record the proceedings of and testimony taken before that court,

commission, or tribunal; and

(2) may detail or employ interpreters who shall interpret for

the court, commission, or tribunal.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.048. ABSENT AND ADDITIONAL MEMBERS. (a) A member of a

general or special court-martial may not be absent or excused

after the court has been assembled for the trial of the accused

except for physical disability or as the result of a challenge or

by order of the convening authority for good cause.

(b) If a general court-martial, other than a general

court-martial composed of a military judge only, is reduced below

five members, the trial may not proceed unless the convening

authority details new members sufficient in number to provide not

fewer than five members. The trial may proceed with the new

members present after the recorded evidence previously introduced

has been read to the court in the presence of the military judge,

the accused, and counsel for both sides.

(c) If a special court-martial, other than a special

court-martial composed of a military judge only, is reduced below

three members, the trial may not proceed unless the convening

authority details new members sufficient in number to provide not

fewer than three members. The trial shall proceed with the new

members present as if no evidence had previously been introduced

at the trial, unless a verbatim record of the evidence previously

introduced before the members of the court or a stipulation of

that evidence is read to the court in the presence of the

military judge, if any, the accused, and counsel for both sides.

(d) If the military judge of a court-martial composed of a

military judge only is unable to proceed with the trial because

of physical disability, as a result of a challenge, or for other

good cause, the trial shall proceed, subject to any applicable

conditions of Section 432.031(1)(B) or (2)(C), after the detail

of a new military judge as if no evidence had previously been

introduced, unless a verbatim record of the evidence previously

introduced or stipulation of that evidence is read in court in

the presence of the new military judge, the accused, and counsel

for both sides.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


Sec. 432.051. CHARGES AND SPECIFICATIONS. (a) Charges and

specifications must be signed by a person subject to this

chapter, under oath, and before a commissioned officer of the

state military force authorized to administer oaths, and must

state that:

(1) the signer has personal knowledge of, or has investigated,

the matters set forth; and

(2) the matters set forth are true in fact to the best of the

signer's knowledge and belief.

(b) On the preferring of charges, the proper authority shall

take immediate steps to determine the disposition that should be

made in the interest of justice and discipline, and the person

accused shall be informed of the charges as soon as practicable.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


person subject to this chapter may not compel any person to

incriminate himself or to answer a question the answer to which

may tend to incriminate him.

(b) A person subject to this chapter may not interrogate or

request any statement from an accused or a person suspected of an

offense without first informing him of the nature of the

accusation and advising him that he does not have to make any

statement regarding the offense of which he is accused or

suspected and that any statement made by him may be used as

evidence against him in a trial by court-martial.

(c) A person subject to this chapter may not compel any person

to make a statement or produce evidence before a military

tribunal if the statement or evidence is not material to the

issue and may tend to degrade him.

(d) A statement obtained from a person in violation of this

section, or through the use of coercion, unlawful influence, or

unlawful inducement, may not be received in evidence against the

person in a trial by court-martial.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.053. INVESTIGATION. (a) A charge or specification may

not be referred to a general court-martial for trial until a

thorough and impartial investigation of all the matters set forth

has been made. This investigation must include inquiry as to the

truth of the matter set forth in the charges, consideration of

the form of charges, and a recommendation as to the disposition

that should be made of the case in the interest of justice and


(b) The accused is entitled to be advised of the charges against

him and of his right to be represented at that investigation by

counsel. On the accused's own request, he is entitled to be

represented by civilian counsel if provided by him, or by

military counsel of his own selection if that counsel is

reasonably available, or by counsel detailed by the officer

exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command.

At that investigation full opportunity shall be given to the

accused to cross-examine witnesses against him if they are

available and to present anything he may desire in his own

behalf, either in defense or mitigation, and the investigating

officer shall examine available witnesses requested by the

accused. If the charges are forwarded after the investigation,

they shall be accompanied by a statement of the substance of the

testimony taken on both sides, and a copy shall be given to the


(c) If an investigation of the subject matter of an offense has

been conducted before the accused is charged with the offense,

and if the accused was present at the investigation and afforded

the opportunities for representation, cross-examination, and

presentation prescribed in Subsection (b), further investigation

of that charge is not necessary under this section unless it is

demanded by the accused after he is informed of the charge. A

demand for further investigation entitles the accused to recall

witnesses for further cross-examination and to offer any new

evidence in his own behalf.

(d) The requirements of this section are binding on all persons

administering this chapter but failure to follow them does not

constitute jurisdictional error.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.054. FORWARDING OF CHARGES. (a) If a person is held

for trial by general court-martial, the commanding officer shall,

not later than the eighth day after the date the accused is

ordered into arrest or confinement, forward the charges, together

with the investigation and allied papers, to the officer

exercising general court-martial jurisdiction.

(b) If compliance with Subsection (a) is not practicable, the

commanding officer shall instead report in writing to that

officer the reasons for delay.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


TRIAL. (a) Before directing the trial of a charge by general

court-martial, the convening authority shall refer it to the

authority's staff judge advocate or legal officer for

consideration and advice. The convening authority may not refer a

charge to a general court-martial for trial unless the authority

has found that the charge alleges an offense under this chapter

and is warranted by evidence indicated in the report of


(b) If the charges or specifications are not formally correct or

do not conform to the substance of the evidence contained in the

report of the investigating officer, formal corrections and

changes in the charges and specifications that are needed to make

them conform to the evidence may be made.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.056. SERVICE OF CHARGES. (a) The trial counsel to

whom court-martial charges are referred for trial shall cause to

be served on the accused a copy of the charges on which trial is

to be had.

(b) In time of peace a person may not be brought to trial

against his objections or be required to participate by himself

or counsel in a session called by the military judge under

Section 432.064(a) in a general court-martial case within five

days after the date of service of charges on him, or in a special

court-martial case within three days after the date of service of

charges on him.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


Sec. 432.061. PROCEDURE. The procedure, including modes of

proof, in cases before military courts and other military

tribunals may by regulations be prescribed by the governor. The

regulations, so far as the governor considers practicable, must

conform to the principles of law and the rules of evidence

generally recognized in the trial of criminal cases in the courts

of the state but may not be contrary to or inconsistent with this


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


authority convening a general, special, or summary court-martial,

another commanding officer, or officer serving one of their

staffs may not censure, reprimand, or admonish the court, a court

member, military judge, or counsel of the court with respect to

the findings or sentence adjudged by the court or with respect to

another exercise of its or his functions in the conduct of the


(b) A person subject to this chapter may not attempt to coerce

or by unauthorized means influence the action of the

court-martial or another military tribunal or a member of the

tribunal in reaching the findings or sentence in a case or the

action of a convening, approving, or reviewing authority with

respect to his judicial acts.

(c) Subsections (a) and (b) do not apply to:

(1) general instructional or informational courses in military

justice if the courses are designed solely for the purpose of

instructing members of a command in the substantive and

procedural aspects of court-martial; or

(2) statements and instructions given in open court by the

military judge, president of a special court-martial, or counsel.

(d) In the preparation of an effectiveness, fitness, or

efficiency report, or another report or document used in whole or

part for determining whether a member of the state military

forces is qualified to be advanced in grade, in determining the

assignment or transfer of a member of the state military forces,

or in determining whether a member of the state military forces

should be retained on duty, a person subject to this chapter may


(1) consider or evaluate the performance of duty of the member

as a member of a court-martial; or

(2) give a less favorable rating or evaluation of a member of

the state military forces because of the zeal with which the

member, as counsel, represented an accused before a


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


The trial counsel of a general or special court-martial shall

prosecute in the name of the state and shall, under the direction

of the court, prepare the record of the proceedings.

(b) The accused has the right to be represented in his defense

before a general, special, or summary court-martial by civilian

counsel if provided by him, or by military counsel of his own

selection if reasonably available, or by the defense counsel

detailed under Section 432.046. If the accused has counsel of his

own selection, the defense counsel, and assistant defense

counsel, if any, who were detailed, shall, if the accused so

desires, act as his associate counsel; otherwise they shall be

excused by the military judge or by the president of a

court-martial without a military judge.

(c) In every court-martial proceeding, the defense counsel, in

the event of conviction, may forward for attachment to the record

of proceedings, a brief of the matters the counsel feels should

be considered in behalf of the accused on review, including any

objection to the contents of the record that the counsel

considers appropriate.

(d) An assistant trial counsel of a general court-martial, under

the direction of the trial counsel or if he is qualified to be a

trial counsel as required by Section 432.046, may perform any

duty imposed on the trial counsel of the court by law,

regulation, or the custom of the service. An assistant trial

counsel of a special court-martial may perform any duty of the

trial counsel.

(e) An assistant defense counsel of a general or special

court-martial, under the direction of the defense counsel or when

he is qualified to be the defense counsel as required by Section

432.046, may perform any duty imposed on counsel for the accused

by law, regulation, or the custom of the service.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.064. SESSIONS. (a) At any time after the service of

charges that have been referred for trial to a court-martial

composed of a military judge and members, the military judge,

subject to Section 432.056, may call the court into session

without the presence of the members for the purpose of:

(1) hearing and determining motions raising defenses or

objections that are capable of determination without trial of the

issues raised by a plea of not guilty;

(2) hearing and ruling on matters that may be ruled on by the

military judge under this chapter, whether or not the matter is

appropriate for later consideration or decision by the members of

the court;

(3) holding the arraignment and receiving the pleas of the

accused if permitted by regulations of the governor; and

(4) performing any other procedural function that may be

performed by the military judge under this chapter or under rules

prescribed pursuant to Section 432.061 and that does not require

the presence of the members of the court.

(b) Proceedings under this section shall be conducted in the

presence of the accused, the defense counsel, and the trial

counsel and shall be made a part of the record.

(c) When the members of a court-martial deliberate or vote, only

the members may be present. All other proceedings, including any

other consultation of the members of the court with counsel or

the military judge, shall be made a part of the record and shall

be in the presence of the accused, the defense counsel, the trial

counsel, and in cases in which a military judge has been detailed

to the court, the military judge.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.065. CONTINUANCES. The military judge or a

court-martial without a military judge may, for reasonable cause,

grant a continuance to a party for the period, and as often, as

may appear to be just.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.066. CHALLENGES. (a) The military judge and members

of a general or special court-martial may be challenged by the

accused or the trial counsel for cause stated to the court. The

military judge, or, if none, the court, shall determine the

relevancy and validity of challenges for cause and may not

receive a challenge to more than one person at a time. Challenges

by trial counsel shall ordinarily be presented and decided before

those by the accused are offered.

(b) Each accused and the trial counsel are entitled to one

preemptory challenge, but the military judge may not be

challenged except for cause.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.067. OATHS. Before performing their respective duties,

military judges, members of general and special courts-martial,

trial counsel, assistant trial counsel, defense counsel,

assistant defense counsel, reporters, and interpreters shall take

an oath to perform their duties faithfully. The oath or

affirmation shall be taken in the presence of the accused, and

shall read as follows:

(1) for court members: "You, ________________, do swear (or

affirm) that you will faithfully perform all the duties incumbent

upon you as a member of this court; that you will faithfully and

impartially try, according to the evidence, your conscience, and

the laws and regulations provided for trials by courts-martial,

the case of (the) (each) accused now before this court; and that

if any doubt should arise not explained by the laws and

regulations, then according to the best of your understanding and

the customs of the service in like cases; that you will not

divulge the findings and sentence in any case until they shall

have been duly announced by the court; and that you will not

disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member

of the court upon a challenge or upon the findings or sentence

unless required to do so before a court of justice in due course

of law. So help you God."

(2) for a military judge: "You, ________________, do swear (or

affirm) that you will faithfully and impartially perform,

according to your conscience and the laws and regulations

provided for trials by courts-martial, all the duties incumbent

upon you as military judge of this court; that if any doubt

should arise not explained by the laws and regulations, then

according to the best of your understanding and the customs of

the service in like cases; and that you will not divulge the

findings or sentence in any case until they shall have been duly

announced by the court. So help you God."

(3) for a trial counsel and assistant trial counsel: "You,

________________ (and) ________________, do swear (or affirm)

that you will faithfully perform the duties of trial counsel and

will not divulge the findings or sentence of the court to any but

the proper authority until they shall be duly disclosed. So help

you God."

(4) for defense counsel and assistant defense counsel: "You,

________________ (and) ________________, do swear (or affirm)

that you will faithfully perform the duties of defense (and

individual) counsel and will not divulge the findings or sentence

of the court to any but the proper authority until they shall be

duly disclosed. So help you God."

(5) for a court of inquiry:

(A) the recorder of a court of inquiry shall administer to the

members the following oath: "You shall well and truly examine and

inquire, according to the evidence, into the matter now before

you without partiality, favor, affection, prejudice, or hope of

reward. So help you God."

(B) then the president of the court shall administer to the

recorder the following oath: "You do swear that you will

according to your best abilities accurately and impartially

record the proceedings of the court and the evidence to be given

in the case in hearing. So help you God."

(6) all persons who give evidence before a court-martial or

court of inquiry shall be examined on oath administered by the

presiding officer in the following form: "You swear (or affirm)

that the evidence you shall give in the case now in hearing shall

be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help

you God."

(7) for a reporter or interpreter: "You swear (or affirm) that

you will faithfully perform the duties of reporter (or

interpreter) to this court. So help you God."

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.068. LIMITATIONS. (a) A person charged with desertion

or absence without leave in time of war, aiding the enemy, or

mutiny may be tried and punished at any time without limitation.

(b) A person charged with desertion in time of peace or with an

offense punishable under Sections 432.157, 432.158, or 432.159 is

not liable to be tried by court-martial if the offense was

committed more than three years before the date of receipt of

sworn charges and specifications by an officer exercising summary

court-martial jurisdiction over the command.

(c) A person charged with any offense is not liable to be tried

by court-martial or punished under Section 432.021 if the offense

was committed more than two years before the date of receipt of

sworn charges and specifications by an officer exercising summary

court-martial jurisdiction over the command, or before the

imposition of punishment under Section 432.021.

(d) A period in which the accused is absent from territory in

which the state has the authority to apprehend him, is in the

custody of civil authorities, or is in the hands of the enemy is

excluded in computing the period of limitation prescribed by this


Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.069. FORMER JEOPARDY. (a) A person may not be tried a

second time in a military court of the state for the same


(b) A proceeding in which an accused has been found guilty by a

court-martial on a charge or specification is not a trial for the

purposes of this section until the finding of guilty has become

final after review of the case has been fully completed.

(c) A proceeding that, after the introduction of evidence but

before a finding, is dismissed or terminated by the convening

authority or on motion of the prosecution for failure of

available evidence or witnesses without fault of the accused is a

trial for the purposes of this section.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.070. PLEAS OF ACCUSED. (a) If an accused after

arraignment makes an irregular pleading or after a plea of guilty

sets up matter inconsistent with the plea, if it appears that the

accused has entered the plea of guilty improvidently or through

lack of understanding of its meaning and effect, or if the

accused fails or refuses to plead, a plea of not guilty shall be

entered in the record, and the court shall proceed as though the

accused had pleaded not guilty.

(b) With respect to a charge or specification to which a plea of

guilty has been made by the accused and accepted by the military

judge, or by a court-martial without a military judge, a finding

of guilty on the charge or specification may, if permitted by

regulations of the governor, be entered immediately without vote.

This finding constitutes the finding of the court unless the plea

of guilty is withdrawn before the announcement of the sentence,

in which event the proceedings shall continue as though the

accused had pleaded not guilty.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.


EVIDENCE. (a) The trial counsel, defense counsel, accused, and

court-martial have equal opportunity to obtain witnesses and

other evidence. Each has the right of compulsory process for

obtaining witnesses.

(b) The presiding officer of a court-martial may:

(1) issue a warrant for the arrest of an accused person who,

having been served with a warrant and a copy of the charges,

disobeys a written order by the convening authority to appear

before the court;

(2) issue subpoenas duces tecum and other subpoenas;

(3) enforce by attachment the attendance of witnesses and the

production of books and papers; and

(4) sentence for refusal to be sworn or to answer as provided in

actions before civil courts of the state.

(c) Process issued in court-martial cases to compel witnesses to

appear and testify and to compel the production of other evidence

runs to any part of the state and shall be executed by civil

officers or peace officers as described by the laws of the state.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.072. REFUSAL TO APPEAR OR TESTIFY. (a) A person not

subject to this chapter commits an offense if the person:

(1) has been duly subpoenaed to appear as a witness or to

produce books and records before a military court or before a

military or civil officer or peace officer designated to take a

deposition to be read in evidence before a court;

(2) has been duly paid or tendered by the adjutant general's

department the fees and mileage of a witness at the rates allowed

to witnesses under Section 432.192; and

(3) wilfully neglects or refuses to appear, qualify as a

witness, testify, or produce evidence that the person may have

been legally subpoenaed to produce.

(b) An offense under this section is punishable by fine not to

exceed $1,000 or confinement not to exceed 60 days in jail, or by

both. The witness may be prosecuted in the appropriate county


(c) The appropriate prosecuting official for the state in a

county court having jurisdiction where the military proceeding

was convened, on submission of a complaint to the official by the

presiding officer of a military court, commission, court of

inquiry, or board, shall file an information against and

prosecute a person violating this section.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.073. CONTEMPT. A military court may punish for

contempt a person who uses a menacing word, sign, or gesture in

its presence, or who disturbs its proceedings by riot or

disorder. Punishment may not exceed confinement for 30 days and a

fine of $100.

Acts 1987, 70th Leg., ch. 147, Sec. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1987.

Sec. 432.074. DEPOSITIONS. (a) At any time after charges have

been signed, as provided in Section 432.051, a party may take

oral or written depositions unless the military judge, a

court-martial without a military judge hearing the case, or, if

the case is not being heard, an authority competent to convene a

court-martial for the trial of those charges forbids it for good

cause. If a depos