53-3-207 (Effective 07/01/11) - License certificates or driving privilege cards issued to drivers by class of motor vehicle -- Contents -- Release of anatomical gift information -- Temporary licenses

53-3-207 (Effective 07/01/11). License certificates or driving privilege cards issuedto drivers by class of motor vehicle -- Contents -- Release of anatomical gift information --Temporary licenses or driving privilege cards -- Minors' licenses, cards, and permits --Violation.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "driving privilege" means the privilege granted under this chapter to drive a motorvehicle;
(b) "governmental entity" means the state and its political subdivisions as defined in thisSubsection (1);
(c) "political subdivision" means any county, city, town, school district, public transitdistrict, community development and renewal agency, special improvement or taxing district,local district, special service district, an entity created by an interlocal agreement adopted underTitle 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act, or other governmental subdivision or publiccorporation; and
(d) "state" means this state, and includes any office, department, agency, authority,commission, board, institution, hospital, college, university, children's justice center, or otherinstrumentality of the state.
(2) (a) The division shall issue to every person privileged to drive a motor vehicle, aregular license certificate, a limited-term license certificate, or a driving privilege card indicatingthe type or class of motor vehicle the person may drive.
(b) A person may not drive a class of motor vehicle unless granted the privilege in thatclass.
(3) (a) Every regular license certificate, limited-term license certificate, or drivingprivilege card shall bear:
(i) the distinguishing number assigned to the person by the division;
(ii) the name, birth date, and Utah residence address of the person;
(iii) a brief description of the person for the purpose of identification;
(iv) any restrictions imposed on the license under Section 53-3-208;
(v) a photograph of the person;
(vi) a photograph or other facsimile of the person's signature; and
(vii) an indication whether the person intends to make an anatomical gift under Title 26,Chapter 28, Revised Uniform Anatomical Gift Act, unless the driving privilege is extended underSubsection 53-3-214(3).
(b) A new license certificate issued by the division may not bear the person's SocialSecurity number.
(c) (i) The regular license certificate, limited-term license certificate, or driving privilegecard shall be of an impervious material, resistant to wear, damage, and alteration.
(ii) Except as provided under Subsection (4)(b), the size, form, and color of the regularlicense certificate, limited-term license certificate, or driving privilege card shall be as prescribedby the commissioner.
(iii) The commissioner may also prescribe the issuance of a special type of limitedregular license certificate, limited-term license certificate, or driving privilege card underSubsection 53-3-220(4).
(4) (a) (i) The division, upon determining after an examination that an applicant ismentally and physically qualified to be granted a driving privilege, may issue to an applicant a

receipt for the fee if the applicant is eligible for a regular license certificate or limited-termlicense certificate.
(ii) The receipt serves as a temporary regular license certificate or limited-term licensecertificate allowing the person to drive a motor vehicle while the division is completing itsinvestigation to determine whether the person is entitled to be granted a driving privilege.
(b) The receipt shall be in the person's immediate possession while driving a motorvehicle, and it is invalid when the person's regular license certificate or limited-term licensecertificate has been issued or when, for good cause, the privilege has been refused.
(c) The division shall indicate on the receipt a date after which it is not valid as atemporary license.
(d) (i) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(d)(ii), the division may not issue a receiptthat serves as a temporary driving privilege card or other temporary permit to an applicant for adriving privilege card.
(ii) The division may issue a learner permit issued in accordance with Section 53-3-210.5to an applicant for a driving privilege card.
(5) (a) The division shall distinguish learner permits, temporary permits, regular licensecertificates, limited-term license certificates, and driving privilege cards issued to any personyounger than 21 years of age by use of plainly printed information or the use of a color or othermeans not used for other regular license certificates, limited-term license certificates, or drivingprivilege cards.
(b) The division shall distinguish a regular license certificate, limited-term licensecertificate, or driving privilege card issued to any person:
(i) younger than 21 years of age by use of a portrait-style format not used for otherregular license certificates, limited-term license certificates, or driving privilege cards and byplainly printing the date the regular license certificate, limited-term license certificate, or drivingprivilege card holder is 21 years of age, which is the legal age for purchasing an alcoholicbeverage or alcoholic product under Section 32B-14-403; and
(ii) younger than 19 years of age, by plainly printing the date the regular licensecertificate, limited-term license certificate, or driving privilege card holder is 19 years of age,which is the legal age for purchasing tobacco products under Section 76-10-104.
(6) The division shall distinguish a limited-term license certificate by clearly indicatingon the document:
(a) that it is temporary; and
(b) its expiration date.
(7) (a) The division shall only issue a driving privilege card to a person whose privilegewas obtained without providing evidence of lawful presence in the United States as requiredunder Subsection 53-3-205(8).
(b) The division shall distinguish a driving privilege card from a license certificate by:
(i) use of a format, color, font, or other means; and
(ii) clearly displaying on the front of the driving privilege card a phrase substantiallysimilar to "FOR DRIVING PRIVILEGES ONLY -- NOT VALID FOR IDENTIFICATION".
(8) The provisions of Subsection (5)(b) do not apply to a learner permit, temporarypermit, or any other temporary permit or receipt issued by the division.
(9) The division shall issue temporary license certificates of the same nature, except as toduration, as the license certificates that they temporarily replace, as are necessary to implement

applicable provisions of this section and Section 53-3-223.
(10) (a) A governmental entity may not accept a driving privilege card as proof ofpersonal identification.
(b) A driving privilege card may not be used as a document providing proof of a person'sage for any government required purpose.
(11) A person who violates Subsection (2)(b) is guilty of a class C misdemeanor.
(12) Unless otherwise provided, the provisions, requirements, classes, endorsements,fees, restrictions, and sanctions under this code apply to a:
(a) driving privilege in the same way as a license or limited-term license issued underthis chapter; and
(b) limited-term license certificate or driving privilege card in the same way as a regularlicense certificate issued under this chapter.

Amended by Chapter 276, 2010 General Session