10-2-414 - Modified annexation petition -- Supplemental feasibility study.

10-2-414. Modified annexation petition -- Supplemental feasibility study.
(1) (a) (i) If the results of the feasibility study with respect to a proposed annexation of anarea located in a county of the first class do not meet the requirements of Subsection 10-2-416(3),the sponsors of the annexation petition may, within 45 days of the feasibility consultant'ssubmission of the results of the study, file with the city recorder or town clerk of the proposedannexing municipality a modified annexation petition altering the boundaries of the proposedannexation.
(ii) On the date of filing a modified annexation petition under Subsection (1)(a)(i), thesponsors of the annexation petition shall deliver or mail a copy of the modified annexationpetition to the clerk of the county in which the area proposed for annexation is located.
(b) Each modified annexation petition under Subsection (1)(a) shall comply with therequirements of Subsections 10-2-403(3), (4), and (5).
(2) (a) Within 20 days of the city recorder or town clerk's receipt of the modifiedannexation petition, the city recorder or town clerk, as the case may be, shall follow the sameprocedure for the modified annexation petition as provided under Subsections 10-2-405(2) and(3)(a) for an original annexation petition.
(b) If the city recorder or town clerk certifies the modified annexation petition underSubsection 10-2-405(2)(c)(i), the city recorder or town clerk, as the case may be, shall sendwritten notice of the certification to:
(i) the commission;
(ii) each entity that filed a protest to the annexation petition; and
(iii) if a protest was filed under Subsection 10-2-407(1)(a)(ii), the contact person.
(c) (i) If the modified annexation petition proposes the annexation of an area thatincludes part or all of a local district, special service district, or school district that was notincluded in the area proposed for annexation in the original petition, the city recorder or townclerk, as the case may be, shall also send notice of the certification of the modified annexationpetition to the board of the local district, special service district, or school district.
(ii) If the area proposed for annexation in the modified annexation petition is within 1/2mile of the boundaries of a municipality whose boundaries were not within 1/2 mile of the areaproposed for annexation in the original annexation petition, the city recorder or town clerk, as thecase may be, shall also send notice of the certification of the modified annexation petition to thelegislative body of that municipality.
(3) Within 10 days of the commission's receipt of the notice under Subsection (2)(b), thecommission shall engage the feasibility consultant that conducted the feasibility study tosupplement the feasibility study to take into account the information in the modified annexationpetition that was not included in the original annexation petition.
(4) The commission shall require the feasibility consultant to complete the supplementalfeasibility study and to submit written results of the supplemental study to the commission nolater than 30 days after the feasibility consultant is engaged to conduct the supplementalfeasibility study.

Amended by Chapter 205, 2009 General Session