10-3-818 - Salaries in municipalities.

10-3-818. Salaries in municipalities.
(1) The elective and statutory officers of municipalities shall receive such compensationfor their services as the governing body may fix by ordinance adopting compensation orcompensation schedules enacted after public hearing.
(2) Upon its own motion the governing body may review or consider the compensationof any officer or officers of the municipality or a salary schedule applicable to any officer orofficers of the city for the purpose of determining whether or not it should be adopted, changed,or amended. In the event that the governing body decides that the compensation or compensationschedules should be adopted, changed, or amended, it shall set a time and place for a publichearing at which all interested persons shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
(3) (a) Notice of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting shall be published at leastseven days before the meeting by publication:
(i) at least once in a newspaper published in the county within which the municipality issituated and generally circulated in the municipality; and
(ii) on the Utah Public Notice Website created in Section 63F-1-701.
(b) If there is not a newspaper as described in Subsection (3)(a)(i), then notice shall begiven by posting this notice in three public places in the municipality.
(4) After the conclusion of the public hearing, the governing body may enact anordinance fixing, changing, or amending the compensation of any elective or appointive officerof the municipality or adopting a compensation schedule applicable to any officer or officers.
(5) Any ordinance enacted before Laws of Utah 1977, Chapter 48, by a municipalityestablishing a salary or compensation schedule for its elective or appointive officers and anysalary fixed prior to Laws of Utah 1977, Chapter 48, shall remain effective until the municipalityhas enacted an ordinance pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(6) The compensation of all municipal officers shall be paid at least monthly out of themunicipal treasury provided that municipalities having 1,000 or fewer population may byordinance provide for the payment of its statutory officers less frequently. None of theprovisions of this chapter shall be considered as limiting or restricting the authority to anymunicipality that has adopted or does adopt a charter pursuant to Utah Constitution, Article XI,Section 5, to determine the salaries of its elective and appointive officers or employees.

Amended by Chapter 90, 2010 General Session