10-7-29 - Railway companies to repave streets.

10-7-29. Railway companies to repave streets.
All railway companies shall be required to pave or repave at their own cost all the spacebetween their different rails and tracks and also a space two feet wide outside of the outer rails ofthe outside tracks in any city or town, including all sidetracks, crossings and turnouts used bysuch companies. Where two or more companies occupy the same street or alley with separatetracks each company shall be responsible for its proportion of the surface of the street or alleyoccupied by all the parallel tracks as herein required. Such paving or repaving by such railwaycompanies shall be done at the same time and shall be of the same material and character as thepaving or repaving of the streets or alleys upon which the track or tracks are located, unless othermaterial is specially ordered by the municipality. Such railway companies shall be required tokeep that portion of the street which they are herein required to pave or repave in good and properrepair, using for that purpose the same material as the street upon which the track or tracks arelaid at the point of repair or such other material as the governing body of the city may require andorder; and as streets are hereafter paved or repaved street railway companies shall be required tolay in the best approved manner a rail to be approved by the governing body of the city. Thetracks of all railway companies when located upon the streets or avenues of a city or town shallbe kept in repair and safe in all respects for the use of the traveling public, and such companiesshall be liable for all damages resulting by reason of neglect to keep such tracks in repair, or forobstructing the streets. For injuries to persons or property arising from the failure of any suchcompany to keep its tracks in proper repair and free from obstructions such company shall beliable and the city or town shall be exempt from liability. The word "railway companies" as usedin this section shall be taken to mean and include any persons, companies, corporations orassociations owning or operating any street or other railway in any city or town.

No Change Since 1953