53C-2-103 - Director's authority to examine records and inspect property.

53C-2-103. Director's authority to examine records and inspect property.
(1) For the purpose of determining compliance with any rule or any performance orpayment obligation under a lease, permit, or contract, the director may, at reasonable times,places, and intervals:
(a) require that the lessee, permittee, or contractor provide any pertinent books, records,or other documents of the lessee, permittee, or contractor; or
(b) inspect the property acquired, used, or developed under the lease, permit, or contractafter reasonable notice or as provided in the lease, permit, or contract.
(2) Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or invalidate audits conducted by theDivision of State Lands and Forestry prior to the effective date of this act.

Enacted by Chapter 294, 1994 General Session