57-12-7 - Replacement property.

57-12-7. Replacement property.
(1) No person shall be required to move or be relocated from land used for his residenceand acquired under any of the condemnation or eminent domain laws of this state until he hasbeen offered a comparable replacement dwelling, including the curtilage, which is a decent, safe,clean, and sanitary dwelling, including the curtilage, adequate to accommodate the occupants,available on the private market, and reasonably accessible to public services and places ofemployment.
(2) If a program or project cannot proceed to actual construction because comparable saleor rental housing is not available and cannot otherwise be made available, such action shall betaken as is necessary or appropriate to provide this housing by use of funds authorized for theproject.
(3) No person shall be required to move from his dwelling, including the curtilage, afterthe effective date of this act because of any project of the agency, unless replacement housing isavailable to, and offered to the property owner.
(4) The agency shall assist owners of small businesses and family farms in identifyingreplacement properties available on the private market, located within the jurisdiction of theagency.

Amended by Chapter 321, 1998 General Session