79-3-202 - Powers and duties of survey.

79-3-202. Powers and duties of survey.
(1) The survey shall:
(a) assist and advise state and local agencies and state educational institutions ongeologic, paleontologic, and mineralogic subjects;
(b) collect and distribute reliable information regarding the mineral industry and mineralresources, topography, paleontology, and geology of the state;
(c) survey the geology of the state, including mineral occurrences and the ores of metals,energy resources, industrial minerals and rocks, mineral-bearing waters, and surface and groundwater resources, with special reference to their economic contents, values, uses, kind, andavailability in order to facilitate their economic use;
(d) investigate the kind, amount, and availability of mineral substances contained in lands owned and controlled by the state, to contribute to the most effective and beneficialadministration of these lands for the state;
(e) determine and investigate areas of geologic and topographic hazards that could affectthe safety of, or cause economic loss to, the citizens of the state;
(f) assist local and state agencies in their planning, zoning, and building regulationfunctions by publishing maps, delineating appropriately wide special earthquake risk areas, and,at the request of state agencies or other governmental agencies, review the siting of criticalfacilities;
(g) cooperate with state agencies, political subdivisions of the state, quasi-governmentalagencies, federal agencies, schools of higher education, and others in fields of mutual concern,which may include field investigations and preparation, publication, and distribution of reportsand maps;
(h) collect and preserve data pertaining to mineral resource exploration and developmentprograms and construction activities, such as claim maps, location of drill holes, location ofsurface and underground workings, geologic plans and sections, drill logs, and assay and samplemaps, including the maintenance of a sample library of cores and cuttings;
(i) study and analyze other scientific, economic, or aesthetic problems as, in thejudgment of the board, should be undertaken by the survey to serve the needs of the state and tosupport the development of natural resources and utilization of lands within the state;
(j) prepare, publish, distribute, and sell maps, reports, and bulletins, embodying the workaccomplished by the survey, directly or in collaboration with others, and collect and prepareexhibits of the geological and mineral resources of this state and interpret their significance;
(k) collect, maintain, and preserve data and information in order to accomplish thepurposes of this section and act as a repository for information concerning the geology of thisstate;
(l) stimulate research, study, and activities in the field of paleontology;
(m) mark, protect, and preserve critical paleontological sites;
(n) collect, preserve, and administer critical paleontological specimens until thespecimens are placed in a repository or curation facility;
(o) administer critical paleontological site excavation records;
(p) edit and publish critical paleontological records and reports; and
(q) by following the procedures and requirements of Title 63J, Chapter 5, Federal FundsProcedures Act, seek federal grants, loans, or participation in federal programs, and, inaccordance with applicable federal program guidelines, administer federally funded state

programs regarding:
(i) renewable energy;
(ii) energy efficiency; and
(iii) energy conservation.
(2) (a) The survey may maintain as confidential, and not as a public record, informationprovided to the survey by any source.
(b) The board shall adopt rules in order to determine whether to accept the informationdescribed in Subsection (2)(a) and to maintain the confidentiality of the accepted information.
(c) The survey shall maintain information received from any source at the level ofconfidentiality assigned to it by the source.
(3) Upon approval of the board, the survey shall undertake other activities consistentwith Subsection (1).
(4) (a) Subject to the authority granted to the department, the survey may enter intocooperative agreements with the entities specified in Subsection (1)(g), if approved by the board,and may accept or commit allocated or budgeted funds in connection with those agreements.
(b) The survey may undertake joint projects with private entities if:
(i) the action is approved by the board;
(ii) the projects are not inconsistent with the state's objectives; and
(iii) the results of the projects are available to the public.

Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 344, 2009 General Session