24.2-115 - Appointment, qualifications, and terms of officers of election.

§ 24.2-115. Appointment, qualifications, and terms of officers of election.

Each electoral board at its regular meeting in the first week of Februaryshall appoint officers of election. Their terms of office shall begin onMarch 1 following their appointment and continue, at the discretion of theelectoral board, for a term not to exceed three years or until theirsuccessors are appointed.

Not less than three competent citizens shall be appointed for each precinctand, insofar as practicable, each officer shall be a qualified voter of theprecinct he is appointed to serve, but in any case a qualified voter of theCommonwealth. In appointing the officers of election, representation shall begiven to each of the two political parties having the highest and nexthighest number of votes in the Commonwealth for Governor at the lastpreceding gubernatorial election. The representation of the two parties shallbe equal at each precinct having an equal number of officers and shall varyby no more than one at each precinct having an odd number of officers. Ifpracticable, officers shall be appointed from lists of nominations filed bythe political parties entitled to appointments. The party shall file itsnominations with the secretary of the electoral board at least 10 days beforeFebruary 1 each year. The electoral board may appoint additional citizens whodo not represent any political party to serve as officers but not as thechief officer or the assistant chief officer. If practicable, no more thanone-third of the total number of officers appointed for each precinct may becitizens who do not represent any political party.

Officers of election shall serve for all elections held in their respectiveprecincts during their terms of office unless the electoral board decidesthat fewer officers are needed for a particular election, in which case partyrepresentation shall be maintained as provided above. For a primary electioninvolving only one political party, persons representing the political partyholding the primary shall serve as the officers of election if possible.

The electoral board shall designate one officer as the chief officer ofelection and one officer as the assistant for each precinct. The officerdesignated as the assistant for a precinct, whenever practicable, shall notrepresent the same political party as the chief officer for the precinct. Theelectoral board may also appoint at least one officer of election who reportsto the precinct at least one hour prior to the closing of the precinct andwhose primary responsibility is to assist with closing the precinct andreporting the results of the votes at the precinct.

The electoral board shall instruct each chief officer and assistant in hisduties not less than three nor more than 30 days before each election. Eachelectoral board may instruct each officer of election in his duties at anappropriate time or times before each November general election, and shallconduct training of the officers of election consistent with the standardsset by the State Board pursuant to subsection B of § 24.2-103. Each electoralboard shall certify to the State Board that such training has been conductedevery four years.

If an officer of election is unable to serve at any election during his termof office, the electoral board may at any time appoint a substitute who shallhold office and serve for the unexpired term.

Additional officers shall be appointed in accordance with this section at anytime that the electoral board determines that they are needed.

If practicable, substitute officers or additional officers appointed afterthe electoral board's regular meeting in the first week of February shall beappointed from lists of nominations filed by the political parties entitledto appointments. The electoral board shall inform the political parties ofits decision to make such appointments and the party shall file itsnominations with the secretary of the electoral board within five businessdays.

The secretary of the electoral board shall prepare a list of the officers ofelection that shall be available for inspection and posted in the generalregistrar's office prior to March 1 each year. Whenever substitute oradditional officers are appointed, the secretary shall promptly add the namesof the appointees to the public list. Upon request and at a reasonable chargenot to exceed the actual cost incurred, the secretary shall provide a copy ofthe list of the officers of election, including their party designation andprecinct to which they are assigned, to any requesting political party orcandidate.

(Code 1950, §§ 24-30, 24-193, 24-195, 24-199; 1950, p. 164; 1970, c. 462, §§24.1-32, 24.1-105, 24.1-106; 1972, c. 620; 1975, c. 515; 1976, c. 616; 1978,cc. 330, 778; 1980, c. 639; 1982, c. 650; 1984, c. 480; 1986, c. 558; 1989,c. 227; 1993, c. 641; 1997, c. 459; 1998, c. 187; 2002, cc. 66, 216; 2003,cc. 232, 1015; 2005, c. 820; 2009, cc. 639, 865, 870, 874; 2010, cc. 190,347, 769.)