3.2-4408 - Rearing package bees and queens for sale.

§ 3.2-4408. Rearing package bees and queens for sale.

A. No person shall rear package bees or queens for sale without firstapplying to the State Apiarist for inspection at least once during eachsummer season.

B. Upon the discovery of any bee diseases, the rearer or seller shall at oncecease to ship bees from affected apiaries until the State Apiarist issues acertificate of health for such apiaries.

C. No person engaged in rearing queen bees for sale shall use honey in themaking of bee food for use in mailing cages.

(Code 1950, § 3-496; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-601; 1972, c. 499, §§ 3.1-610.12,3.1-610.13; 2008, c. 860.)