3.2-4705 - Division to disseminate information.

§ 3.2-4705. Division to disseminate information.

The Division of Marketing shall gather and disseminate information on allsubjects relating to the marketing and distribution of Virginia agriculturalproducts, and shall keep producers and consumers informed of the demand andsupply and at what markets the various agricultural products can be besthandled or procured. The Division shall: (i) publish periodical bulletinsthat provide the current market prices for Virginia agricultural products inthe principal markets of the Commonwealth, and in other markets accessiblefor the disposition of such products; and (ii) when advisable, provideinformation as to the available supplies of agricultural products the demandin several markets for such products. The Division may also prepare anddistribute bulletins describing the most efficient and economical methods ofstandardization, storage, packing, transportation, and marketing ofagricultural products. The Division shall determine the sources of supply ofagricultural products and prepare and publish lists of the names andaddresses of producers and consignors and supply this information tointerested persons.

(Code 1950, § 3-528; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-687; 1993, c. 115; 2008, c. 860.)