3.2-5214 - Permits; delegation of enforcement of article to State Health Commissioner for restaurants.

§ 3.2-5214. Permits; delegation of enforcement of article to State HealthCommissioner for restaurants.

Any person engaged in the manufacture in the Commonwealth of any of the foodslisted in § 3.2-5212 shall apply to the Commissioner on an application formprescribed by him for a permit to manufacture such foods or any of them.

A separate application shall be made for each establishment where such foodsare manufactured or are to be manufactured. The Commissioner may by agreementdelegate the enforcement of this article to the State Health Commissioner forrestaurants as defined in § 35.1-1. Such agreement shall provide for thecombining of the permit required by this article and the license required by§ 35.1-18.

The Commissioner, upon receipt and approval of such application properlyexecuted, shall issue a permit authorizing the applicant to engage in themanufacture of such foods as are described in the application. TheCommissioner may, after a full hearing, refuse to issue a permit or renew apermit, or may suspend or revoke a permit in the case of any establishmentthat does not meet the requirements of this article or of any regulationadopted for its administration and enforcement. Permits shall be renewable onJuly 1 of each year.

(1970, c. 48, § 3.1-562.6; 1978, c. 722; 1996, c. 722; 2008, c. 860.)