38.2-803 - Alternate method of service.

§ 38.2-803. Alternate method of service.

A. Service of process or notice in any action, suit or proceeding shall bevalid if:

1. Served upon any person within this Commonwealth who, in this Commonwealthon behalf of the unlicensed insurer, is (i) soliciting insurance, (ii)making, issuing, or delivering any insurance contract, or (iii) collecting orreceiving any premium, membership fee, assessment or other consideration forinsurance; and

2. A copy of the process or notice is sent within ten days thereafter byregistered mail to the unlicensed insurer at its last known principal placeof business.

B. A post-office receipt showing the sender's name, and the unlicensedinsurer's name and address, and the plaintiff's or plaintiff's attorney'saffidavit of compliance with the procedures set out in subsection A of thissection shall be filed with the clerk of the court in which the proceeding ispending on or before the date the unlicensed insurer is required to appear,or within such further time as the court allows.

(1952, c. 317, § 38.1-66; 1986, c. 562.)