44-53 - Collection of fines.

§ 44-53. Collection of fines.

For the purpose of collecting any fines or penalties imposed by acourt-martial, the military judge whenever one sits on such court, andotherwise the president of the court, or the summary court officer, shall,within fifteen days after the fines or penalties have been imposed andapproved, make a list of all the persons fined, describing them distinctly,and showing the sums imposed as fines or penalties on each person, and shalldraw his warrant, under his official signature, directed to any marshal ofthe court, or to the sheriff, sergeant, or any policeman of any city orcounty, as the case may be, thereby commanding him to levy such fines orpenalties, together with the costs, on the goods and chattels of suchdelinquent, and the warrant shall thereupon have the force and effect offieri facias, but such delinquent shall not be entitled to the benefit of anyexemption law of this Commonwealth, as against such warrant and the lienthereof. In default of sufficient personal property to satisfy the same, theofficer executing the same shall make report accordingly to the drawingauthority of the warrant which may then require the fined person to showwhether or not he possesses sufficient property to satisfy the fine and ifsuch property is found to exist and the fined person fails to deliver it overthe executing officer shall be ordered to take the body of the delinquent andconvey him to the jail of the city or county in which he may be found, whosejailer shall closely confine him without bail until the fine or penalty andjailer's fees be paid. No such imprisonment shall extend beyond the period often days.

(1930, p. 958; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(44); 1976, c. 399; 1977, c. 74.)