45.1-277 - Plugging.

§ 45.1-277. Plugging.

The plugging of exploration holes shall be as follows:

1. All exploration holes shall be adequately plugged with cement from thebottom of the hole upward to a point three feet below plow depth. Theremainder of the hole between the top of the plug and the surface shall befilled with cuttings or nontoxic material.

2. If multiple aquifers alternating usable quality water and salt waterzones, or other conditions determined by the Chief to be potentiallydeleterious to surface or ground water are encountered, the conditions mustbe isolated immediately by cement plugs. "Usable quality water" is definedas ground water that is used or can be used for a beneficial purpose,including, but not limited to, domestic, livestock, or irrigation uses. Eachhole shall be plugged with cement to prevent water from flowing into or outof the hole or mixing within the hole. The length of the plug shall bedetermined by the Chief based on available data on the specific site.

3. Each exploration hole shall be plugged as soon as reasonably practicalafter drilling, unless multiple aquifers are encountered.

4. Alternative plugging procedures and materials may be utilized when theapplicant has demonstrated to the Chief's satisfaction that the alternativeswill protect ground waters and comply with the provisions of this chapter. Inthe event that a hole is more suitably plugged with a nonporous materialother than cement, the material shall have characteristics at least equal tocement.

5. In the event that an exploration hole is to remain unplugged pursuant tothe provisions of § 45.1-278, the procedure contained in subdivision 2, ifapplicable, shall be applied and the exploration hole shall be plugged to theextent required by that paragraph.

(1982, c. 269.)