46.2-1603.2 - Owner may declare vehicle nonrepairable; insurance company required to obtain a nonrepairable certificate; applicability of certain other laws to nonrepairable certificates; titling and

§ 46.2-1603.2. Owner may declare vehicle nonrepairable; insurance companyrequired to obtain a nonrepairable certificate; applicability of certainother laws to nonrepairable certificates; titling and registration ofnonrepairable vehicle prohibited.

A. The owner of any vehicle titled in the Commonwealth may declare suchvehicle to be a nonrepairable vehicle by applying to the Department for anonrepairable certificate.

B. Every insurance company or its authorized agent shall apply to theDepartment and obtain a nonrepairable certificate for each vehicle acquiredby the insurance company as a result of the claims process if such vehicle istitled in the Commonwealth and is (i) a late model nonrepairable vehicle or(ii) a stolen vehicle that has been recovered and determined to be anonrepairable vehicle. The application shall be accompanied by the vehicle'stitle certificate or salvage certificate and shall contain a description ofthe damage to the nonrepairable vehicle. Application for the nonrepairablecertificate shall be made within fifteen days after payment has been made tothe owner, lienholder, or both.

C. Every insurance company or its authorized agent shall notify theDepartment of each late model vehicle titled in the Commonwealth upon which aclaim has been paid if such vehicle is a nonrepairable vehicle that isretained by its owner.

D. The Department, upon receipt of an application for a nonrepairablecertificate for a vehicle titled in the Commonwealth, or upon receipt ofnotification from an insurance company or its authorized agent as provided insubsection C of this section that a vehicle registered in the Commonwealthhas become a nonrepairable vehicle, shall cause the title of such vehicle tobe cancelled and a nonrepairable certificate issued to the vehicle's owner.

There shall be no fee for the issuance of a nonrepairable certificate. Allprovisions of this Code applicable to a motor vehicle certificate of titleshall apply, mutatis mutandis, to a nonrepairable certificate, except that noregistration or license plates shall be issued for the vehicle described in anonrepairable certificate. No vehicle for which a nonrepairable certificatehas been issued shall ever be titled or registered for use on the highways inthe Commonwealth.

E. The Department, upon receipt of a title, salvage certificate, or otherownership document from a licensed salvage dealer or demolisher pursuant tosubdivision A 1 of § 46.2-1603.1, shall cause the title, salvage certificate,or other ownership document to such vehicle to be cancelled and anonrepairable certificate issued to the vehicle's owner.

(1992, c. 148; 1993, c. 376; 1995, c. 390.)