46.2-2064 - When local license may not be required.

§ 46.2-2064. When local license may not be required.

No such county, city or town shall require a license or impose a license taxfor the operation of any such motor vehicle for which a similar license isimposed or tax levied by the county, city or town of which the owner oroperator of the motor vehicle is a resident, except that such license may berequired and such license tax imposed by any such county, city, or town forthe operation of any such motor vehicle if the owner, lessee, or operatorthereof maintains a taxicab stand or otherwise solicits business within suchcounty, city, or town; nor, except as herein expressly authorized, shall morethan one county, city or town impose any such license fee or tax on the samevehicle. This article shall not be construed to apply to common carriers ofpersons operating as public carriers by authority of the Department of MotorVehicles or under a franchise granted by any county, city, or town.

(2001, c. 596.)