46.2-2167 - Reweighing of shipment.

§ 46.2-2167. Reweighing of shipment.

The household goods carrier, upon request of the shipper or hisrepresentative made prior to the delivery, shall reweigh the shipment subjectto the availability of scales at destination.

1. The household goods carrier shall inform the person requesting thereweigh, within a reasonable time prior to the gross reweighing, of thetariff charges therefor and the location of a certified scale in closeproximity to the destination of the shipment that shall be used, and of theright of the shipper, or his representative, to observe the gross and tarereweighing.

2. The household goods carrier, without altering or deleting the initialweights, shall cause to be recorded on the bill of lading the gross, tare andnet weights on reweigh, and shall give the shipper, or his representative,original or true copies of the weight tickets on reweigh in the same manneras prescribed in subdivision 2 of § 46.2-2165 for initial weighing.

3. The lower of the two net scale weights shall be used for determining theapplicable charges.

4. The household goods carrier may publish in its tariff a reasonable chargefor reweighing shipments, which charge shall be applicable when the reweighdevelops a net scale weight in excess of the initial net scale weight or ifthe difference between the initial net scale weight and the reweight netscale weight is less than 100 pounds on a shipment weighing 5,000 pounds orless or two percent or less of the lower net scale weight on shipments inexcess of 5,000 pounds.

(2001, c. 596.)