57-7.1 - What transfers for religious purposes valid.

§ 57-7.1. What transfers for religious purposes valid.

Every conveyance or transfer of real or personal property, whether intervivos or by will, which is made to or for the benefit of any church, churchdiocese, religious congregation or religious society, whether by purchase orgift, shall be valid.

Any such conveyance or transfer that fails to state a specific purpose shallbe used for the religious and benevolent purposes of the church, churchdiocese, religious congregation or religious society as determinedappropriate by the authorities which, under its rules or usages, have chargeof the administration of the temporalities thereof.

No such conveyance or transfer shall fail or be declared void forinsufficient designation of the beneficiaries in any case where the church,church diocese, religious congregation or religious society has lawfultrustees in existence, is capable of securing the appointment of lawfultrustees upon application as prescribed in § 57-8, is incorporated, hascreated a corporation pursuant to § 57-16.1, or has ecclesiastical officerspursuant to the provisions of § 57-16.

(1993, c. 370; 2005, c. 772.)