82.80.060 - Use of other proceeds by utility.

Use of other proceeds by utility.

The city or town electing to own, construct, maintain, operate, and preserve its streets and related facilities as a utility under this chapter may finance the construction, operation, maintenance, and preservation through local improvement districts, utility local improvement districts, or with proceeds from general obligation bonds and revenue bonds payable from the charges issued in accordance with chapter 35.41, 35.92, or 39.46 RCW, or any combination thereof. The city or town may use, in addition to the charges authorized by RCW 82.80.050, funds from general taxation, money received from the federal, state, or other local governments, and other funds made available to it. The proceeds of the charges authorized by RCW 82.80.050 shall be used strictly for transportation purposes in accordance with this chapter and RCW 82.80.070.

[1991 c 141 § 3. Prior: 1990 c 42 § 211.]