§3-10-8 Vacancies in offices of prosecuting attorney, sheriff, assessor and surveyor.

§3-10-8. Vacancies in offices of prosecuting attorney, sheriff, assessor and surveyor.
Any vacancy occurring in the office of prosecuting attorney, sheriff, assessor or county surveyor shall be filled by the county commission by appointment of a person of the same political party as the officeholder vacating the office. The appointed person shall hold the office until the next general election is certified, or until the completion of the term if the term ends on the thirty-first day of December following the next general election. Notice of an election to fill a vacancy in any of the offices named in this section shall be given by the county commission, or by the president thereof in vacation, and published or posted in the manner prescribed in section six of this article. Nomination of candidates to fill any vacancy shall be made in the manner prescribed in section six of this article for nominating candidates to fill a vacancy in the office of the clerk of the circuit court.